Name: Leigh.
Age: (Please be ABOVE 13): 21.
Got a nickname? The Leighness, Leia, Snickers, and many others.
Three adjectives that describe you: Moody, creative, tolerant.
Hobbies: Astrology, Numerology (and other forms of fortune-telling), Occult Studies, the Supernatural--These hobbies of mine manifested themselves when I was about ten or eleven years old, after I found an Astrology book at a friend's house. The rest is history. :)
Writing, role-playing (online), reading, listening to music, and watching movies are more of my favorite things to do, especially when I'm depressed, angry, upset, etc. Some goes with cooking... I just find them good ways to get my mind off of my problems.
Drawing is one of my old past times. I haven't drawn anything in the last six years or so, but that doesn't mean I never will pick up a pencil again.
I also like to collect books on my favorite subjects above. Not to mention that I have a deep love for the Harry Potter and the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. :)
Who is your favorite character on That 70's Show, why? Least favorite?: I like all of the characters for one reason or another, but I think my top four favorite characters are Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Leo... they're just a riot to watch and listen to. My least favorite would probably be Jackie's mom, she's just too shallow and not in a funny way like Jackie is.
What kind of groovy tunes you're into: I like some oldies, but I'm more into Depeche Mode, Sarah Brightman, Boa Kwon and Vanessa Carlton than anything else.
What is your favorite color: Green.
Pet peeves: Drama queens, people who step on the heels of your shoes, getting interrupted when I'm trying to concentrate, etc.
Favorite book and why: I'm a Harry Potter lover all the way, because it helps me escape reality for a while. Besides, I've always been into magic and that sort of thing.
Favorite flick and why: Steel Magnolias. Because, it's a balancec film. There's drama and comedy.
Favorite song and why: I don't really have a favorite song, because I like too many.
Favorite That 70's Show quote/episode: I love the Watertower episode during the first season.
Strengths: I'm very tolerant of others (or so I've been told.) I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good listener, as well as a good friend--and most people tell me that I am such.
Weaknesses: I'm very moody. I tend to go from one extreme to another at the drop of a hat. I often get snippy with people who don't deserve it, so I generally try to stay away from others when I'm in a foul mood. I'm also a procrastinator to the extreme and that's no joke. I'm also secretive, which usually drives people insane, especially my fiance.
How you feel in regards to the last few seasons and character changes on the show: You know, I haven't been able to watch the last few seasons of the show yet.
BE RANDOM! RIGHT HERE! : Where is my candy, you wh*re? ;D
And finally, please post a few photos of yourself: (OPTIONAL)