Name: Elizabeth
Age: (Please be ABOVE 13): 24
Got a nickname? Hime-chan, Minako, Mai, Jennifer, Isabella, Little Red Riding Hood, Asuka, Princess Peach...I have a new nickname for every costume I make.
Three adjectives that describe you: Determined, Kind, Beautiful
Hobbies: Ballet, Pointe, Cosplay, Wedding Dresses, Acting, Singing, Artbooks, Shoujo Anime, Manga, Dolls, and regressing.
Who is your favorite character on That 70's Show, why? Least favorite?: I can't really decide who my favorite is because they all work together so well! But I know that my least favorites are Kelso because he's an idiot and Laurie because she's a slut. It's strange how every other girl in my life named Laurie turned out to be a bitch as well.
What kind of groovy tunes you're into: ABBA, Weird Al, Julie Brown, Two-Mix,, Puffy Ami-Yumi, They Might Be Giants, Beethoven...anything that inspires me to sing and dance!
What is your favorite color: PINK!!!
Pet peeves: Dragon Ball Z, jerks, perverts, pedophiles, law breakers, vampires, women who smoke and drink while pregnant, domestic violence, yaoi, arrogance, infant mortality of any kind(I will fight to the death to protect the innocent), Cross Dressing, Fan Girls who are obsessed with evil men, bad smells, guys who think they're all that, thieves, liars, shallowness, ingratitude, hypocrites, people who are obsessed with death, irresponsible parents, over sensitivity, pettiness, people who tell me not to sing, being told what I should be doing(everytime my father gives me that speech, I die a little inside), "Pin the tail on the Mary-Sue", and vacuume cleaners.
Favorite book and way: The Princess and the Goblins, George MacDonald and I share the idea that every girl is a princess.
Favorite flick and why: Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer since Rainbow Brite is the woman, The Man From Snowy River because it has the most beautiful kissing scene ever, Sailor Moon R because it makes me cry, and The X-Men Trilogy for Famke!
Favorite song and why: "Cuz I'm a Blonde" by Julie Brown, I dyed my hair blonde to be able to sing this song about how we have more fun! "Trigger Happy" by Weird Al since I believe in the right to shoot to kill if some bastard ever tried to rape me, "I'm Your Venus" by Bannaramma since I'm the princess of love, and "Kissy Kissy" by since it's just plain adorable!
Favorite That 70's Show quote/episode: My favorite episode has to be "That 70s' Musical" since it ROCKS and I have quite a few favorite quotes most of which are Red's: "Leggo my foot in your ass!", "This house is always littered with kids...I feel like a mormon!", "Attention Super Dumbasses..." and some are Kitty's "Oh Honey, Canadians don't matter", "It's a good thing you aren't Santa Claus, you'd scare the hell out of little kids", another is Hyde's "Where zen ends; ass-kicking begins" and one is Donna's "No, Lame-ass, college is for girls who don't want to marry the first idiot they meet and have his bastard children!"
Strengths: sweet, caring, loving, accepting, empathetic, fun, self-sacrificing, loyal, humble, can make friends with all kinds of people provided they aren't shallow and mean, feminine but willing to get my hands dirty, spiritual, never forgets my friends, respectful, not afraid to say what I think, generous, I'm here when you need me, able to see both sides of the coin, optimistic, beauty and brains, your true friend forever, and resourceful.
Weaknesses: short tempered, weak stomach, cry baby(but I cry alone), heart over head, naive, impatient, unrealistic, clumsy, stubborn, sarcastic, procrastination, really bad with directions, competitive, easilly jealous(Make a play for my best friend or my man and you'll be sorry!), needy, overly critical.
How you feel in regards to the last few seasons and character changes on the show: Well, as much as it sucked, the eighth season was needed since the seventh season ended in a really lame place. Donna should have stayed a red-head. That guy who replaced Eric didn't fit in the group. Jackie and Hyde should have been together, but initially I liked Jackie/Fez so I was happy for them even so. Thank God for getting Eric and Donna back together! I was afraid that Topher was going to screw us all over.
BE RANDOM! RIGHT HERE! : Rate me as a man and you die.
My first 70s' crush was Fez for his cuteness and sweetness, then I added Eric to the list since he's a sweetie too, and then I fell head over heels for Hyde!
And finally, please post a few photos of yourself: (OPTIONAL)
How would you like to affiliate with all of the stamping communities that I run?
playhouse_gang, a Pee-Wee's Playhouse Stamping Community
peanuts_patch, a Peanuts Stamping Community
strawberrystamp, an old-school Strawberry Shortcake Stamping Community
gx_rating, a Yu-Gi-Oh!GX Stamping Community
go_mirror_force an all Yu-Gi-Oh! Stamping Community based on looks
dose_of_comedy a Tiny Toon Adventures Stamping Community
7strd_castaways a Gilligan's Island Stamping Community
PS. I just went through and voted on everyone who doesn't have a stamp yet, I think it may be time to go on a mad stamping spree!