my body is made of skin & bones, so all you can see is a beating heart & a broken smile

Jul 26, 2005 09:58

its another week, yet again
life is alright, cant complain.

nothing much is happening.

that i miss cookie. i feel like she really is my best friend. or atleast one of the closest people to me. she is the only person i actually trusted this whole year who turned out to be who i hoped and hadnt let me down. she gets home this week and i simply cannot wait.

another thing, is that school is beginning soon. oh joy (know that i mean that sarcastically).
but i really have always wanted high school to be something i look back upon fondly.
i do have two more years left and i have learned lessons that i will remember and not let such fiascos reoccur.

so i guess, bring it on.

but until then i so have a bit of summer left and i reallt havent seen that many people this summer that i would have liked to. so i am still on for whatever comes my way. i have to admit that this summer has been a wash in a few ways but excelled in others. when i look at my previous journal i saw that all i wanted for a while was something i now have. but what i had then i lost. almost completely. and i have to say that gets me down.

i just took some stupid online quiz....and this was the result i think the "life of the party" statement is def overrated altho i have to admit i could be if i got along with the people at the party. but the rest of it seems like me...


?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

anyhow...a little over a year ago i found out who billy talent was and i fell in love with this song. and i just felt like listening to it. also because it reminds me of a couple good people. so i thought i would share it with you today.

"Try Honesty" By Billy Talent

much ♥ homies
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