True fact.
I fell asleep while we were driving around yesterday (37 hours without sleep and I just died). So my mom pulls off the freeway and about halfway down the offramp the car, an oldie toyota pick-up, just shuts off. My mom smacks me and is freaking out, and I, half asleep, yell, "POP HER" as I roll out of the cab, the car still rolling a bit.
I manage, still all sleep hazy, to rewire the battery, which one of the cords had frayed and disconnected, and get it turned on in the span of 30 seconds.
The light was green when we got there, and was still green when I got back in the car.
The only downside is that I mooned half the 101 North when I fell out of the car. Buuuut, whatever, I was totally badass which makes up for it.