This is my application to colormeawesome...i thought I'd put it here. I feel cool because I accomplished something this late at night.
So here she be:
Name: Elita
Nicknames: I don’t have any
Age: 16
Location: California
Sexuality: Straight
-Are you a cat person or a dog person? I’m a cat person. Cat’s always just seemed easier to take care of to me. They demand a lot less attention and are there when you just need something to pet.
-What do you like about your friends/best friend? I have grown up with my friends and what I love most about them is how much they are like family. It’s weird, yes, but we were all home schooled together. I’ve never been grounded from seeing my friends because it would just be weird. Our families are close, and whenever my brothers gets too weird to handle or my mom gets on my nerves (or I get on hers) I can just walk over to one of their houses, no questions asked.
-Would you rather have one close friend for the rest of your life or a group of friends? A group of friends, definitely. It’s a lot more fun when there are different people around because then you can always go to one to talk about something another friend doesn’t like.
-What awesome traits do you have that should get you accepted into the community? I’m friendly, unique, driven, and creative. I love discussing people’s opinions on important topics and I just like interacting with people in general.
-What three communities are you most active in? I just joined LJ a few weeks ago, so I haven’t joined any yet.
-If you could do anything to OJ Simpson, what would you do? I don’t think I would do anything to him because I don’t know much about him (When his trial happened I was young and not in this country, or at least I hadn’t been in this country for long.) I’m not informed enough about him, so I would probably just talk to him and see what type of person he is.
-If you could have wild sex with any person in the world, who would it be and where? I guess if it were just at random, Dominic Monaghan. He seems like a nice enough person and I think he’s attractive. But if I had the chance to build up a real relationship first, then it would be my friend Skyler because I have liked him for years. I suppose in a simple place, like my bed or their own.
-If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? What would your conversation be about? My father. He died when I was very small so I never really got the chance to meet him. Our conversation would be about anything that came up, because my mother always tells me that I’m a lot like he was.
-If you could kill one person, celebrity or non-celebrity who would it be? My friend Tuesday’s ex-boyfriend Jared. He is one of those people who just makes your blood boil. Not only was he a complete jerk to her after he won her trust, he is one of those people who hates other people for no good reason at all. It bothers me that there are people who can just look at someone and say that they hate them.
-If you could
TRAVEL anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Denmark. It’s where I did a lot of my growing up, and I’d like to go back and refresh my memory.
-Favorite childhood memory: Going to the park in my old home with my older brother Riley. I always felt so cool being around him and having him to watch out for me.
-If you could live one year of your life all over again, which one would it be, and why? Oddly enough, this past year. I’ve had a lot of fun and finally had a chance to shoot a real film which I’m going to enter into a local film fest in a few months. I’ve had to work pretty hard on things and also get a real job to fun the movie, but it was all worth it.
-What are your views on...
Self-mutilation- I never really understood it. I figure that it can be good in some ways, though. If a person is thinking about suicide it could always turn out to be a subconscious effort to get someone to notice and get them help. It’s become a fad, though, and I think that it’s ridiculous. People should just accept what happens and move on, not linger on things to the point that they get into a false state of depression.
Gun Control- I hope to never see a day that feel that I need a gun to protect myself, but I would really like to think that if the day comes I will be able to have one.
Abortion- I would never, ever have an abortion. Ever. Plain and simple. But that doesn’t mean I should prevent other people from making that decision. I have the choice to say no, other people should have the choice to say yes.
Animal Rights- Personally I don’t eat meat. I do it because of the treatment of the animals, not because I think animals aren’t here to eat. Every now and then when my brother
Riley comes in to visit he’ll bring me some meat that was raised on a farm near where he lives now that doesn’t use weird hormone injections or anything like that, and I eat it. I think laws should be more strict on how livestock is treated.
Equal Rights- As far as I see it, America promises life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No clauses, no exceptions, no second guessing. All of this business about gay marriage is simply ludicrous because marriage is the pursuit of happiness.
-What do you want to be when you "grow up", or if you are already grown up, what did you want to be when you were younger?: When I was very small I wanted to be a veterinarian. Now, as a 16 year old, I want to be a film director or productions manager.
-What is one of your hobbies that you really love and why? I really love writing and filming my own movies. I get a thrill out of seeing something that was once just in my head come to life on screen. It’s something that takes a lot of work to accomplish but is really worth it in the end.
-Name three of your interests: Movie Filming, Graphic Design, Creative Writing
-Something you know now, that in retrospect, you wish you'd known "then": I really wish that I would have known that people are generally accepting. If you don’t know this you waste a lot of time trying to protect yourself from something that isn’t even a real threat.
-Inner most desires: As shallow sounding as it is, to date my friend Skyler. And also be a movie director, if I’m allowed to have two.
-Describe yourself in 5 words: Courageous, friendly, determined, cheerful, compassionate, and emotional.
-Top Three books:
1. The Phantom Tollbooth
2. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
3. Dancing in my nuddy-pants
-Top Three .
Movies1. Withnail and I (If you have never seen it, I beg you to rent it. It’s hilarious.)
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. The Last Samurai
-Top Three bands
1. Maxeen
2. Flaming Lips
3. Name Taken
4. The Knack
5. Letter Kills
6. They Might Be Giants
-Do you consider yourself unique? Why? I’d like to think I’m unique because I like a wide array of different types of movies, books, music, fashion, and art. But what I’ve come to realize is that I’m simply unique due to my sunny disposition that few people have. It’s strange to think that being happy makes you different but I’ve been told it’s my most unique feature.
-What are some characteristics you admire in yourself & why? As I’ve said a few times before, I’m driven. I like that I don’t really need a source to be inspired to work hard, it just comes from my will to do the things that I really want to. I also like that I got my musical talent from my father (my mom tells me this constantly) and I picked up the guitar pretty easily.
-Are you tired of filling out this survey? A little. It’s kinda late.
-Is it worth it? I suppose. More so if I get in, if not I’ll keep it around and use it for something else.
-How many fingers am I holding up? 106
-How did you hear about this community? I found it on a LJ search.
-Please take this time to rack up some brownie points and kiss our asses. I bow down at your superior feet, and pray to you God-like creatures that you give me a chance. Being close to the ranks of you is like being given eternal life, or a toilet seat made of pure gold.
-Word Association. Answer with the first word or phrase that pops into your head
Banana: Boat
Rock: ‘n Roll
Pop: Rocks
Freedom: beauty, truth, and love
Cloud: Final Fantasy
Cartoon: Daria
String: Guitar
Oval: Office
George Bush: curious George
Sun: Shine
Ocean: -s eleven
Paper: boy