Eric wouldn't put it up but i had too

Feb 25, 2004 13:34

Sometimes people think they're intelligent just because they have an opinion. Usually they just get these opinions from bad comedians that don't know what they're talking about.

SunSurfandSkate2: so you hate jews?
heyitz icon: nope not at all, as a matter of fact im going out with
one... for about 4 months now
SunSurfandSkate2: so why is paisley froind telling people that you said
"kykes are the biggest problem the world has even known, they
have been kicked outta every land they have every had cuz they are
weak, pushover bitches, isreal started the biggest problem
the world has ever know, if there were no jews those sand niggers
wouldnt hate us so much cuz america supports that shit hole
desert. "
SunSurfandSkate2: she said specifically that you sent that to her
heyitz icon: well yes that true in the sense based on religious beliefs
SunSurfandSkate2: is it?
SunSurfandSkate2: what religious text says that?
heyitz icon: text... none, history...lots
SunSurfandSkate2: aha
SunSurfandSkate2: ever heard of the 6 day war?
heyitz icon: yeah
SunSurfandSkate2: that the "weak, pushover bitches" fought
heyitz icon: know why isreal was created/
SunSurfandSkate2: to create a homeland for jews
heyitz icon: cuz they were to skared
SunSurfandSkate2: zionism
SunSurfandSkate2: they were scared of what?
heyitz icon: worst thing ever
heyitz icon: they were skared another hitler was gunna come around
SunSurfandSkate2: well, would you be?
SunSurfandSkate2: and that's not why it was created
heyitz icon: so the begged the UN to create a RELIGIOUS land for them
heyitz icon: okay whut happend next?
SunSurfandSkate2: there's nothing religious about Israel other than
that you can't be denied citizenship if youre jewish
heyitz icon: they took over palestine
SunSurfandSkate2: the jews whooped the ass of every country that's ever
attacked them
SunSurfandSkate2: so they took over a british colony?
heyitz icon: because AMERICA trained their armies, gave them guns, and
showed them how to use them
SunSurfandSkate2: they sure did
heyitz icon: the same country that essentially created isreal for them
SunSurfandSkate2: if america pulled out today, do you think they'd
heyitz icon: NOT AT ALL
SunSurfandSkate2: well, let me assure you, they would
SunSurfandSkate2: is it because they're a waseland and desert?
heyitz icon: okay fact.. america essentially runs the UN. if they
stoped supporting it, do you know how many countries hate USA and ISREAL
SunSurfandSkate2: ok fact. if america ran the UN, do you think that
americans would hate the UN?
SunSurfandSkate2: negatory
heyitz icon: those sand niggers would run the jews into the ground in a
matter of days if they werent skared that america would fuck them up in
SunSurfandSkate2: do you know how many countries hate America for being
free and letting women wear shorts?
SunSurfandSkate2: the 6 day war was independant of America
SunSurfandSkate2: and anyways, they israeli forces pushed back the
whimpering ass "sand-niggers" back farther than where they came from
SunSurfandSkate2: :fact:
heyitz icon: that is the most ridicously irrelevent responce that you
could have come up with!!!!
SunSurfandSkate2: really?
SunSurfandSkate2: because it's true?
SunSurfandSkate2: :fact:
SunSurfandSkate2: yup
SunSurfandSkate2: but did we give them a single american troop?
SunSurfandSkate2: any american food
SunSurfandSkate2: no.
SunSurfandSkate2: the answer is no.
SunSurfandSkate2: you loose, good sir, you loose.
heyitz icon: i dont even know whut your argunign about anymore
food??? i
SunSurfandSkate2: do you know what you're arguing
heyitz icon: loose??? loose WHUT?
SunSurfandSkate2: because i'm 99.8% positive that i know what i'm
arguing about
SunSurfandSkate2: you loose in this debate
heyitz icon: yea i know whut you are trying to
SunSurfandSkate2: kind sir
SunSurfandSkate2: is it jew magic?
heyitz icon: but you are failing at doing so!
SunSurfandSkate2: really>?
SunSurfandSkate2: i feel as if i'm quite ahead, actually
SunSurfandSkate2: Oh good sir, you humor me very much so.
heyitz icon: kid you are so brainwashed by the media its a joke
SunSurfandSkate2: really?
SunSurfandSkate2: let me guess, the media is run by jews?
heyitz icon: WHUT????
heyitz icon: how does that have anyting to do with anything???
SunSurfandSkate2: I'm sure you'd use that as a valid response
SunSurfandSkate2: but it isn't valid.
SunSurfandSkate2: and if you're "so smart" (so i've been told) why do
you have a grammatical system of that of an 8 year old?
heyitz icon: is the media run by jews???/
SunSurfandSkate2: is it?
heyitz icon: whut the fuck is that
SunSurfandSkate2: you tell me?
heyitz icon: cuz you are frustrating the shit outta me, cuz you fail
to make sense with your nonsense points that have nothign to do with
SunSurfandSkate2: I fail to understand where you're coming from. I
understood everything that I have said, and actually in quite eloquient
heyitz icon: dont try and make yourself out to be smarter than you
really are
SunSurfandSkate2: I'm not
SunSurfandSkate2: i'm discussing with you like i would in person
SunSurfandSkate2: i'm actually being humored
SunSurfandSkate2: and I don't find myself to be all that smart
SunSurfandSkate2: but eloquience in an arguement is one of my finer
heyitz icon: YOU have completely wandered off subject... how can
"eloquience in an arguement" be one of your finer points|..... we are now
eachother not the topic. you son. have failed!
SunSurfandSkate2: Have I? is this what it has come down to? I think not
good sir. I have wondered off subject, because you've let me lead you
subject. And understand that by my constant bantering, i'm just
laughing more and more.
SunSurfandSkate2: Grammar is the funniest think there is to laugh
SunSurfandSkate2: the first half of this conversation is hilarity at
it's finest
heyitz icon: OH MY 'god'
heyitz icon: this in online!!!!
SunSurfandSkate2: your god indeed.
SunSurfandSkate2: that didn't make sense.
SunSurfandSkate2: please rephrase correctly
heyitz icon: do you expect a fucking research paper with proper
SunSurfandSkate2: Do you want my honest answer?
heyitz icon: you dont even make sense either son?
SunSurfandSkate2: Do I not make sense?
heyitz icon: if its yes....well then fuck you
SunSurfandSkate2: I believe that I do.
heyitz icon: kid re read everything
SunSurfandSkate2: And please don't call me son, it's degrading to be
considered anything near your offspring
SunSurfandSkate2: i've read.
SunSurfandSkate2: so let's talk about the original topic
heyitz icon: and then honestly if you can tell me that your points in
the beginning make any sense i will agree with you
SunSurfandSkate2: the "kikes" being a disease
SunSurfandSkate2: my points make alot of sense, just not directed at
the central arguement
SunSurfandSkate2: i'm making fun of you on the side.
heyitz icon: one second
SunSurfandSkate2: Ok.
SunSurfandSkate2: And sir, you most certainly don't know much about
current politics, history, religion, or any other effect that could make
difference in this arguement. You sir, are a card.
SunSurfandSkate2: I'm finished
SunSurfandSkate2: good day.
heyitz icon: okay well lets see... in my oringinal statement i was
tryign to get the message across of the fact that jews started creating
problems long ago and well i dont give a shit... peace kid, live in
ignorance... it suits you well.
heyitz icon: im a card?
SunSurfandSkate2: indeed you are
SunSurfandSkate2: played just like a card
SunSurfandSkate2: please say "what's a card"
SunSurfandSkate2: please.
heyitz icon: whut? okay shure think that.
SunSurfandSkate2: for the humor.
SunSurfandSkate2: Indeed I will
SunSurfandSkate2: WHITE POWER!

In other news, I woke up at 5:30 this morning to get to Eric's by 6 so we could go to breakfast and i could drive him to school. His car had to get work on it done and the alternatice was some kid named neil that he hates to drive with because he is always late and says the stupidest things. So I've had 6 hours of sleep in the last two nights total but i go anyway, because i'm an idiot and not ashamed to prove it.
Before i leave for eric's my parents decide to prove a theory i've had for a while that states that i can't leave the house with out being badgered. At 6 in the morning my father comes down the hall yelling at me because my mother had been up since 4 in the morning talking to him about whether im doing ok in school. So I was late for Eric's but that's ok because 6 am was too early to worry about breakfast and getting him to class on time anyway.
So we had Einstein's and to kill more time I go to get money for gas. Go to Hillsboro where gas is "cheaper" (1.71 reg!!!) and i decide i need a car wash too. Now I've had a problem with my sunroof leaking but running on the sleep i had that doesn't occur to me. So car gets washed. Eric gets a shower. We laughed, we cried, i felt touched in a way that i hadn't felt since the Rabbi and I had "Tuchas Time".
Yes my week has not been that great but I kind of expected that beause i'm becoming more superstitious and i'm relatively sure anytime theres a show i really really want to go to at the end of the week, every part up to that show will suck, and it will be followed by Joe getting smacked by some skinhead's fat, stupid, bitch, girlfriend. But I'm positive I have a show tomorrow so tune in damnit. Thursday, 7-9 . Punk/ska, dave/ joe and i believe kenny will be joining us.


- Dave
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