Oh jeez I seriously get so upset when people insult things that they don't fully understand. This is a more serious/not anime-related post, so uh. Yeah. Read at your own discretion, especially if you're a Republican/Conservative.
Take for example (the one that popped into my head in an instant) ACA/Obamacare/whatever you want to call it. Most people hate it and want it to be gone, but do they really know what the act is, nor what it does to the American public in general? No- most probably listen to the media (oh, the horror!) and pick up random books (more likely very biased ones too) and immediately made a judgement about it. Without researching.
Now, I am not saying that everyone who wants it to be repealed is automatically a dumbass- no, they probably do have legit reasons for not liking it- it's just that, well, most people aren't like that these days. Their opinion of the laws and the politics and the administration are so muddled in with what the media wants them to believe that they don't even have an opinion of their own anymore- they hear, they take in, then start spewing what they've heard without thinking. That's the problem.
In fact, a lot of the hate actually comes from insurance companies/lobbyists since they'd lose so much money when Obamacare is enacted. And well uh, tbh a lot of lies were spread by Republicans, most notably Palin's "death panels" or whatever the shit that was about.
That's all I have to say- I'm not trying to endorse this act, so I will not go further; but I do believe that a lot of people's hate against it is unjustified and silly, and a little explanation (with regards to how it can benefit the people in the long run) will debunk them completely- unless, of course, you've done research and still believe that such an act should still not stay. Then I have nothing to say.