1.You always look so well put together...even in your pjs. 2.Breakfast at Tiffanys 3.cherry coke (if they made that flavor that is) 4.civil war Ken doll = hot item 5.It was at a show along time ago...you were hangin' out with Lena...I didn't think you liked me either. 6.bunny 7.How's school (I never see anyone so I never get to ask the regular questions)
1.you have chicken legs! 2.Casey Jones-Know this X (I think) 3.orange 4.fight friends forever 5.Hellfest...you looked directly over the tops of Leah and I's heads as we were waving at you. 6.rooster 7.when are you going to stop being such a douche bag?
1.if it weren't for me you'd never have met Ashlie 2.Stretch Armstrong-I can't remember the name but I remember you running and jumping over the crowd to sing along at Hellfest. 3.lime (more for the color than the taste) 4.what do you think of my mashed potatoes? 5.well I remember coming over to your house and watching something on TV shortly after Robbie and I got together...I also remember you being at Patchen a lot. 6.giraffe (tall and lanky) 7.What ever happened to those hardcore sleepovers? And how come you never come hang out?
1.You have this amazing power to will things to happen 2.Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Rilo Kiley, That Dog 3.chocolate fudge ripple 4.Eat it?, SILLY!!!, "I hope he doesn't Kyle Miser out on me", RVA! 5.You taking me to the gas station to get bandages for my arm...also those pictures in the Kitchen of Patchen. 6.kitty 7.Where have all the wild times gone? (I miss those)
1.you like to be shocked! 2.Good Clean Fun 3.I don't know...but definatly not banana team! Never I Say! 5.I met you the same time I met Brandon that night...also Patchen alot and the house in Frankfort which caused so much drama. 6.panda (duh) 7.Why don't you ever come over anymore?
Comments 16
1.You always look so well put together...even in your pjs.
2.Breakfast at Tiffanys
3.cherry coke (if they made that flavor that is)
4.civil war Ken doll = hot item
5.It was at a show along time ago...you were hangin' out with Lena...I didn't think you liked me either.
7.How's school (I never see anyone so I never get to ask the regular questions)
2.Casey Jones-Know this X (I think)
4.fight friends forever
5.Hellfest...you looked directly over the tops of Leah and I's heads as we were waving at you.
7.when are you going to stop being such a douche bag?
Why don't you ask yourself that same question, ya fucking jerk off.
2.Stretch Armstrong-I can't remember the name but I remember you running and jumping over the crowd to sing along at Hellfest.
3.lime (more for the color than the taste)
4.what do you think of my mashed potatoes?
5.well I remember coming over to your house and watching something on TV shortly after Robbie and I got together...I also remember you being at Patchen a lot.
6.giraffe (tall and lanky)
7.What ever happened to those hardcore sleepovers? And how come you never come hang out?
What is Patchen?
Everyone also knows everything else cause we always told them..
Frankfort bodily function club, WV Deer, Tudors Biscuit World...there's nothing left.
2.Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Rilo Kiley, That Dog
3.chocolate fudge ripple
4.Eat it?, SILLY!!!, "I hope he doesn't Kyle Miser out on me", RVA!
5.You taking me to the gas station to get bandages for my arm...also those pictures in the Kitchen of Patchen.
7.Where have all the wild times gone? (I miss those)
2.Good Clean Fun
3.I don't know...but definatly not banana team! Never I Say!
5.I met you the same time I met Brandon that night...also Patchen alot and the house in Frankfort which caused so much drama.
6.panda (duh)
7.Why don't you ever come over anymore?
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