Title : DOOMED: Side Story 3/4
Author :
thatgurlhuntsPairing : Hey!Say!BEST x Hey!Say!7
Rating : PG-13
Warning : none
Summary : Just a random fanfic for Hey!Say!BEST and Hey!Say!7.
You can also read DOOMED with Hikaru and Daiki for the main pairing, here`s the link:
http://thatgurlhunts.livejournal.com/tag/arioka%20daiki%20x%20yaotome%20hikaru "Ma~ I'm hungry,sniff!' The "thing" is now getting bored and lazy.He didn't even bother changing or fixing himself due to his laziness.
Yabu-kun shook his head and buried his face again on pile of books and papers on the table.
After a while, entered a guy with beautiful eyes and face.The thing smiled widely but the guy stormed at him like a raging bull.
"Inoo-chan,did you bring me some pocky?" he was looking at him full of hope and what he got was a painful smack on the head.
"Why.is.our.budget.like.this?!" the guy hissed at him.
"Why?!" the "thing" was teary eyed.
"I told you not to use our money for personal use!"
"But I told you, I was robbed!I almost died, you know.C'mon forgive me, Inoo-chan."
He sighed and turned to Yabu. "What do you say?"
Yabu stood up and faced them. "Let's make a deal.We'll cover the amount that was stolen from you but since we have the receipt for the expenses, you have to pay for the rest."
"They're just pocky and...milk."
"Exactly!" Inoo snapped. "You use the Student Body's money for pocky?"
" But..." he tried to explain himself again.
"Don't use your position to waste the money!Do you even have any idea how difficult it is to make the audit which suppose to have been your job, and I need to write all the reports."
"But making the report is your job." he stupidly answered.
"President, if you're not going to stop me.I'll definitely kill this shorty!"
"Hey! I'm not short!You're going overboard!"
"Stop it." Yabu intervened and at the same time the door opened and four kids were thrown inside.
"Yay! Bakaki, good job!Come here."
Takaki looked exhausted but walk towards the "thing" and he let him pat his head.
"Good boy." and he turned to the kids. "Now,what should I do with you?"