Title: You were Mine (8/12)
thatgurlhuntsPairing: Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki
Rating: PG-13
Warning: m-preg, language and bad grammar
Summary: Kei almost grabbed the clipboard from Hikaru at threw it at Daiki.
``What did you say!`` Kei barked at Hikaru.
``I just learned about this recently. He has been taking medication and seeing a cardiologist since we were in highschool.``
``And he kept it that long.`` Kei couldn`t believe that Dai-chan always had a weak heart.
``Ugh.hmmm.`` Kei and Hikaru looked at the person on the bed.
``Hey...`` the idiot penguin smiled and Kei almost grabbed the clipboard from Hikaru at threw it at Daiki.
``Why didn`t you tell us!`` fear registered on Daiki`s face.
``Please don`t tell Yuya and the kids. Ryosuke and Yuto are still young.``
The door opened and Daiki almost jumped off the bed when he thought it was Yuya. But Kota came in instead.
``How`s Dai-cha...oh! You`re awake!`` He was ignored by the three and Kei shot back at Daiki.
``Give me one good reason not to tell them and never tell me that you don`t want them to worry for this is bullshit! ``
``Hey Kei, what is this!`` Kota was confused.
``Arioka Daiki!`` Kei lost his patience towards his bestfriend.
``He`s cheating on me, alright!!`` his friends stopped.
``Yuya..has been cheating on me. He did it not just once!``
``I always knew that`s why I don`t want him to know about me. I don`t want him to have pity on me or feel guilty or something..``
``He should know about it Dai-chan.`` Hikaru looked at his friend pitifully.
``Then what will happen next. Shit! If only I`m stronger like before, I would really kill that Yuya.``
``Dai-chan, what`s wrong.`` the couple was shocked to see Daiki at their doorstep one morning.
``He`s leaving Kei..He asked for a divorce.``
``What! That stupid! I`ll knock some sense of him.`` Yabu helped Daiki inside the house and took his coat.
``Yabu, please. Don`t let him know anything.``
``But Dai-chan, you`re pregnant and you need him beside you. Your condition is getting worse too.``
``He`s right. The timing of your pregnancy is off. If you`d only had the surgery first.``
``I don`t know anymore...``
Kei and Yabu could only hug him for support.
``I`m sorry Dai-chan...I`m sorry...`` Yabu was sorry to leave Daiki alone but Kei and him have to leave to save their relationship. Their relationship that started to crumble when Kei met Dai-chan again some years ago.
``It`s okay Yabu. Just make sure you`ll take care of Kei-chan.``
Yabu smiled. ``Of course.``
``I`ll miss you Dai-chan. ``
``Ne, you`re in-charge of my baby`s new room, okay. Promise me.``
``I promise. You take care of yourself,okay. Listen to Hikaru and have yourself regularly check.``
``Yes. Yes. That I promise too.``
End of flashback
``You better be alive when I get back. I`m sorry to have left you but I need to make sure my relationship with Kota will survive. I love you Dai-chan but I need him like you need Takaki. Wait for me Dai-chan, okay.``
Kei desperately worked on a copy of the blueprint to Daiki`s house. Just like his promise, he`s working on Yuri`s room.