{Well, I suppose I shouldn't be writing about this like it's official *until* it's official, but whatever. I'm excited about it, and I'm going to act like I'm excited about it. }
As some of you may have heard, Seventeen Magazine has launched this national campaign to search for their "Freshman 15" (har har, get it?) -- fifteen girls from all across the U.S.A. who are going to be freshmen in college in the Fall of 2007 to do somewhat of an internship with their magazine.
I submitted the application to potentially be one of the chosen fifteen girls, and... guess what? I am a finalist!
I just gave a phone interview for the position for like the last hour, and it was incredibly fun. The best part is that there is essentially *no* wrong answers (within very broad limits, I suppose) since they are so interested in your personality and who you are.
But what exactly do the Freshman 15 do?
In one respect, these girls are consultants for what stories/articles/features they want to see in current and future magazines. -- More importantly, though, these girls post online blogs, upload pictures, record videos, and share everything else about their freshman year experience to be read by, well, whomever! (Do a little googling if you're really interested.)
// On one hand, it's a little exhibitionist to write tell-alls about your personal experiences with guys, friends, drinking, and all, I know. -- But on the other hand, this is a very famous magazine directed toward teenage and preteen girls, so it's not like they would sign off on publishing something smutty or incriminating. Hell, I just love that this is the prime of my life, and (yes) I kind of love attention. In fact, I wanted to be a SuicideGirl for the *longest* time, but the reason I like this idea so much is that not only is it an outlet for expression, but it is a much less potential-job-losing experience. ^_^
Anyway, I'll be hearing from them in the next week or two, and I'll probably keep y'all posted [whether you like it or not.]
I'd love to do it, but if nothing else, this was a cool little eye-opening experience already. I never would have associated myself with something as "_(fill in any one of many negative adjectives here)_" as Seventeen Magazine. I've since gotten over that pretentious attitude and am willing to give a little bit for a great resume-sprucer-upper like this.
That's all in the obnoxious world of Liz!
Gotta go get ready for Senior Night.
P.S. Okay, I understand that this entire note probably sounds like the typical, condescending satire that is typical of me and my posts, but this is NOT a joke or a prank whatsoever. // Yes, I am actually interested in working with Seventeen Magazine. ... You may now pick up all jaws from the floor.