→ dbsk gen, g, canon, 129 words
→ originally posted
the members play in the snow.
it's snowing in japan, seemingly identical snowflakes floating from the sky and onto yoochun's hand. he watches as they instantly melt in his palms even though his hands are almost numb. he wonders why they're still outside in the cold he hates so much, and before he can say anything, jaejoong is by his side, slipping his hand into yoochun's.
"come on, you. you're hands are freezing." changmin watches jaejoong tug yoochun inside.
"coming?" yoochun shouts at changmin. changmin shakes his head, but smiles at yoochun.
"i'll be there soon." he turns, throws a snowball at junsu, then runs to yoochun and jaejoong. "okay, let's go. now." he takes yoochun's other hand and drags the two into the building, laughing until it hurts.