Nov 21, 2013 18:34

it's funny because as underwhelmed as I've been with SHIELD, I'm inevitably starting to ship all the things to the point of giant team polyamorous snuggletude. like, I don't know that I'm dying for porn because no one on the cast particularly does it for me, but I have warm potentially shippy snoggy feelings about a handful of pairings and it's so ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

vikingprincess November 22 2013, 01:46:22 UTC
Is it wrong that I sort of want some Melinda May/Ward working out and then getting even sweatier! Or some Fitz/Simmons? Or Fitz/Ward? Or Melinda May/Skye?


(In this case, my icon stands for Agents, not Avengers. Tee hee!)


thatotherperv November 22 2013, 01:56:13 UTC
I haven't had any Melinda May/Skye feelings yet but I'm sure I will. but yes, all that. once they got rolling, they starting showcasing pairing chemistry ep by ep. like, you got your Fitz/Ward and your Fitz/Simmons and your Ward/Simmons and your Melinda May/Ward and even, despite its clear gonna-be-canon broadcasting, your Ward/Skye, and I'm sure all the other permutations are coming to a television near me. I don't particularly ship Coulson because I just...don't? I heart him but he never pings me, idk. wouldn't be surprised if that changes too, I'm such a faithless whore.


vikingprincess November 22 2013, 02:02:28 UTC
ROFL, in Avengers fic, Coulson gets paired with more people than does Tony Stark! It's kinda astonishing, really.

Yeah, I fear they'll shove Ward/Skye down our throats, but I can live with it, I guess.


thatotherperv November 22 2013, 02:07:52 UTC
as an annointed canon pairing, they're like 3 notches better than tolerable to me - I'm not in love with them, but I'd take them more than I'd leave them, so nobody's shoving anything down my throat, personally

and yeah I know Coulson gets shipped all over, and I get it but I don't grok it, so. *shrugs*


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