(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 20:00

Three names I go by:
1. hannah
2. han
3. hammer

Three jobs I've had in my life:
1. hermanos
2. cafe indigo
3. sunapee fair

Three places I've lived:
1. bristol
2. tilton
3. concord

Three favorite drinks:
1. water
2. izze
3. chai

Three TV shows I watch:
1. bones
2. Spongebob Squarepants
3. arthur

Three movies I love:
1. lebowski
2. almost famous
3. everything is illuminated

Things I want:
1. to improve my coxing skillsss
2. to move off campus
3. to go home and see all my friends and live at sant bani and to have funnnn with everyone again!

Three of my favorite foods:
1. grapefruits
2. things that involve tofu
3. veggie wraps!

Three things I hate:
1. feeling badly
2. losing people
3. worrying about money

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. seeing everyone at sant bani
2. chelsea coming home
3. jill coming back

Three rules I live by:
1. be good, do good, be one
2. sleep is the best thing for you, along with exercise
3. there is always another option

Are you single?

Do you eat ranch with your pizza?
no but duncan does

What is the last reason you cried?
my grandmother

Do you love anybody?
i love many people

Could you even go 30 minutes without cursing?

Have you had any beer this week?

Have you ever eaten an uncooked cookie?
of course!

Why did you last laugh?

Can you cook?

What's bothering you?
cold weather, being a fatty, my poor grandmother, misssing home, bitches, bitches and more bitches.

Were you happy when you woke up?
no because it was at 5am, then happy because i realized we were with the varsity!

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
of course

What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
rowing buddies! :}

Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail?
MATT PEARSALL and it was hilarious.

Do you prefer to call or text?
it depends on the circumstances

When was the last time you saw your mom?

Do you tan or burn?
burn and freckle

What did you fear at night as a child?

What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
uhh today in spanish tristen started saying a sentence then not even three words into it prof. rossi was like "NO. WRONG." it was hilarious, somehow.

How many TVs do you have in your house?
in my ouse or in my dorm?

When did you last get in an argument?
last night because mike argues with me about EVERYTHING. it's almost adorable because he's not serious.

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?

How many people live in your house?
four on vacations.

Ever punch someone in the face?

Do you have trust issues?

Who was the first person you talked to today?
PG: pat grasso.

Do you smoke weed everyday?
'sall ah do. SHIUT.

When's the last time you talked with the opposite sex on the phone?
last night

Do you think you are a good person?
there are so many ways i can answer it

What’s your favorite thing to have on your bed?
sexy men

What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
seeing mah pepz, going home, more parties.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

Is there anyone that you care about more than yourself?
hmm that's a complex question

Where's your brother at?
i don't know, getting drunk?

Does anyone hate you for no reason?
well i don't think they HATE me, but i didn't do anything and they're acting superbitchy

Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?

How are you feeling?
regretful. i should have had granola.

Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?

When is the next time you'll kiss someone?
probably never.

Have you ever kissed anyone and never saw them again?

Would you ever donate blood?
yes but i'm not fat enough

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?

What is on your bed right now?
blankets and NOT ME

What will you be doing this Saturday?
work weekend

Where's your favorite place to get pizza?
i don't know

Are you scared about the future?

Do you feel like your life is flying by?

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
of course

Are you a mean person?
i'm not mean, i'm just uninterested most of the time. SOME PEOPLE interpret that as mean, but i interpret it as, "i really don't care about your conversation topics."

What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
hit the snooze button

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
probably not

What are you doing tonight?
taking it easy, maybe doing laundry

What do you currently hear right now?
the tv and some people outside

What do you want for your birthday?
i want a surprise party from each of my group of friends and a hug from everyone who attends. also, it would be really nice if someone just said, "hannah, you are a good person. you are not ugly, you are not fat, and you shouldn't worry as much. i appreciate everything you think i don't, and i love you always."

Where is the last person you hugged?
you wanna know something shitty? i think the last person i hugged was my mom. on sunday. NO ONE GIVES HUGS HERE, FUCK EVERYTHING.

Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
i don't know, probably not.

Name something you disliked about the day you had?
it was cold, i ate too much, i was mostly alone.

You got laid last night didn't you?

Are you close to your siblings?
in a sense

Have you had your birthday this year yet?

Do you currently have something stuck in your head?
yes, the best song ever.

Could things possibly get any better?
oh very easily

When you trip, do you get embarrassed or just play it off?
everyone knows i trip like an acid addict so i don't really do anything. but laugh.

How often do you say you're sorry?
like more than i should because no one else takes the blame for things.

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
either to be home at sant bani with my classmates or to have people stop being so ridiculous and to stop feeling so wrong all the time.

When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
it depends

Are you a patient person?
it depends

Someone tells you that you're beautiful, you say?
"thanks, i work out."

What are you looking forward to?
haven't we gone over this?

If you were kicked out of your home, who would you call?
my dad

When was the last time that you were genuinely happy?
when i was home with alec ben and rose

What is the last movie you watched? With who?
no idea

What will you be doing in the next 2 hours?
nothng, probably watching tv

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Is there anything about yourself you are trying to or want to improve?
my tolerance, my mind. i think too much

Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?

What's the last thing you spent money on?
i don't remember

What's your middle name?

Do you act differently around the person you like?
not sure, i dont really "like" anyone speciic

How do you feel about violence?
i mostly don't agree

What movie do you want to see?
Where the Wild Things Are, the men who stare at goats, a christmas carol... too many

Will this Friday be a good one?
probably not

What is your biggest fear about making a total commitment to someone?
boredom, frustration, i'll get tired of them

If someone called you a bitch would you be offended?

You see someone running around naked in the street. Your reaction?
laugh, hard.

Are you an alcoholic?

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?

Do you find piercings attractive?
it depends

Where were you two nights ago?

What do you want most?
i want to not try anymore.
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