I must be out of my mind. Tony is going to kill me. Still, I know my mind and I meant what I said to Eric.
Well, at least those little flying bastards were good for something. I appreciate the extra coins, whoever slipped them into my pocket, three indigos went a long way to getting my wardrobe back to the standard I'm used to and also some more things for the kitchen.
Still haven't gotten a TV yet but I did pick up a little something.
I haven't played one of these in a long time. Learned it only because that was what a scion of my family did and my sister had already claimed the piano and my brother the cello. So I got the violin. Think I'll record myself at practice, then maybe I'll screech at Tony first, see if I still remember how to do this.
[ooc: Only Thom's Net-Fu is not strong, so instead of switching his device to just record, he sends this out across the Net. LJ-cut to save your flists!]
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