dont judge a book by its cover

May 02, 2004 19:47

  went to a party in sac on saturday night w/ elissa. hella nice, cool people were there.  one of the guys (who i was talking to a lot & would NEVER have guessed would do anything like this) tried to rape me.  now cj's going back to that house, finding the guy who tried to, & beating the living shit out of him.

FULL VERSION (DON'T READ ANY UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO READ ALL): went to a party in sac on sat. night w/ elissa. it was her friend's college graduation party.  seriously everyone there was sooo nice & sooo welcoming & really really cool so we ended up staying from like 12 to like 5am.  both elissa & i were drinking but i wasnt that drunk at all.  anyways, so elissa for most of the night was inside the house talking to anthony (the guy whos party it was) & a couple other people.  i was outside most of the time talking to pretty much the same 5 guys, who were all really funny & nice.  they were obviously flirting w/ me, but i told them that i was only 17 & i had a boyfriend & they totally like respected that.  there was this one guy kerry who was like extra cool & hadnt flirted w/ me at all the entire night, we just talked about neutral stuff like movies & shit.

so i go inside for a second to hang out w/ elissa & this other guy shes talking to.  she was hella drunk & shamelessly flirting w/ him.  kerry had joined the 3 of us in our group inside & me & him kept on sort of exchanging glances about how obvious it was that elissa & this guy liked eachother.

after like 10 minutes of this, kerry motions to me to come w/ him into the next room (i followed him because i thought he wanted to ask me something aobut elissa & that guy).  the room wasnt like enclosed or anything & was perfectly visible to anyone in the next room so i didnt feel uncomfortable or anything.  so we sat down on the couch & started playing 'bop-it'. we were both horrible at it so we gave up & put in on the table.  like a second later he like moves closer to me & starts kissing me & i'm like 'no no i have a boyfriend, sorry..' & he was all 'thats cool i have a girlfriend.'  i was like what the shit?  so i like try to get up but he like keeps kissing me & shit & i'm like wtf.  then i sort of dont remember what happened after that  but i remember walking up some stairs & into this chicks room.  litterally the next thing i know all my & his clothes are off & hes like on top of me & i'm like scared out of my mind, trying to scream but (since me & elissa were like having a screaming contest on the drive over there & singing HELL OF loud to songs) i had NO voice. it reminded me of those dreams where youre in hella trouble but you can only whisper.  so i like try to push him off & he was like hella groping me & shit.  THANK GOD nothing "really bad" happened.  i mean like we didnt have sex or anything like that.

(so i'm just gonna not be hella graphic & say everything that happened but nothing "too bad".) so we hear some people outside the door & i'm like 'ok yea theyre gonna hear you if you do anything so just stop."  & he was like "fuck that no ones gonna come in if they know people are already in here."  so i tried to like throw shit around & hit the wall so they wouldnt just think that it was like a normal guy-and-girl-drunk-in-a-room setting. so FINALLY after like hellllllla long they come in. it was elissa, teresa (the girls room whos it was), and one of the guys who was hitting on me earlier. & i tried to talk as loud as i could & say things like no & stop. (by this time i had managed to get my skirt & underwear back on)  they all just sorta stood there in the doorway like staring & kerry was like 'just close the door, everythings cool, dont worry about it..' & teresa was like, 'ok guys lets just go...' & i was like NOOO!!!!! so thankfully elissa had the sense to come back in & rescue me.  so i just got my clothes back on & like ran out the door & grabbed elissa & was like, 'dude, lets go NOW.'  so without saying bye to anyone (or getting back her shoes or my jacket) we just like peaced the hell out.

we ran to her car & the guy anthony (who is basically elissa's new boyfriend now) caught up to us & i got in the car while they talked & i called cj to tell him everything & then elissa got in the car & we just sat there, both of us holding eachother bawling our eyes out.

so we got back to benicia on like straight fumes (it took 1/4 tank to get there & thats all we had..truly miraculous) at like 6-6:30am & cj came & picked me up at elissa's & i just talked to him & slept all day.  and saturday was started off so well...

so now cj & elissa are driving back to anthony's house to find out where kerry lives so cj can beat the fucking crap out of him.  (he had a fucking 9 iron in the backseat that had never been there previously...) i'm just glad to be safe at home.  *sigh*

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