Title: A Pastourelle
Pairing: Dakin/Posner
Written for:
misplacedmarble...who requested: "Dakin/Posner, Oxford setting, fluff. :D"
Disclaimer: Not my characters, not my poems, etc.
Rating: PG - it would be G, but there is the hint of the man-on-man.
Notes: This is fluff, based on the old French pastourelle tradition, in which two men had a battle of wits over
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Comments 3
And hee! at 'homosocial', as I'm reading The Iliad in class and browsing several academic bitchfights over whether the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus was homoserotic or just homosocial...
Er, yes. Enough babbling. By which I mean: I LOVE IT. XD
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