Random character quiz thingy

Aug 09, 2012 10:15

This was fun.

Chose 10 of your OC's. Or ten of your favorite people.(like friends,family,celebreties. Anyone you think is cool.) But you can't chose yourself.

1: King Greggs (OC)
2: Jamie (OC)
3: Madi (OC)
4: Elliot (OC)
5: Giles (BtVS)
6: Willow (BtVS)
7: Buffy (BtVS)
8: Xander (BtVS)
9: Uther (Merlin)
10: Morgana (Merlin)

1) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens? (Elliot, Madi and Xander)

Xander: This is a nice place you guy's got here. Very... Erm, cultured.
Elliot: We live in a tiny dorm with two beds, a simple vanity and music sheets in the middle of the Parisian Opera House. 
Xander: *clears throat* Uhm, it's... Er, nice anyway. 
Madi: *off in space*
Xander: Say... Where is the dining table anyway?

2) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a strip club.
[[YUS! Giles and Uther!]]
Giles: ... No.
Uther *smiling mischievously*: It's only two or three wenches performing services. We do supply them with pay.
Giles: ... No.
Uther: Come now...
Giles: ... Will there be redheads?

3) You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Do you chose 1 or 6?
Willow or Greggs? Buh.. Aghu. I... 
Willow. Because I can't trust myself with that Gypsy King, and Willow would be adorbs and we'd have girl talk (I'm assuming this is season 1-3 Wills).

4) 2 and 7  are making out. 10 walks in...Their reaction? (Jamie, Buffy and Morgana)
Buffy: *smack squelch suck squelch* 
*Stops as Morgana walks in* Hold on, I'm not gay... Uhm... No. So leaving. 
Morgana: Hey, you're really hot, but I'm too high and mighty to tell you and don't want to accept I have more feelings for women (besides Uther) than men! 
Jamie: But I was just used as a human sacrifice to a soul portal that took my beloved's younger self who doesn't love me back as much as he does younger girls who don't appreciate him! I'm broken!
Morgana *making an 'awww needy person' face*: Come here, bb.

5) 3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens? (Madi, Willow and Xander)
*Madi and Willow (season 7) are making cuddle monkeys on the Summer's couch. Xander walks in.*
Xander: Wills... Wha- what are you doing? 
Willow: Xand! I... I was...
Xander: You were just what?
Willow *now standing and angry* What?! Just because Tara's dead means I can't like girls?
Xander: You know I'm okay with that. But I thought... I thought you'd love me back after saving you. You've done it once before, why not now?
Willow *softening*: Xander, of course I love you. I just don't- can't love you /like that/. 
Xander: I... I get it. But if you *points to Madi* invite me to dinner again and you two are on the floor going at it, I'll strangle you both and have Elliot burn the pieces!

6) 4 jumps you in a dark allyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10,2 or 7? (Elliot, Morgana, Jamie and Buffy)
All three. Morgana comes in with her eyes glowing and muttering under her breath while Buffy hops in with a sword and axe, getting ready to save me as Jamie hauls her own broadsword over their shoulders when they realise...
It's Elliot. 
They then watch in amusement as I kick that little man-prano's ass all over and give him a fair dressing down, threatening that I'd call his Aunt.

7) 1 decides to start a cooking show. 15 minetes later what is happening? (Greggs)
King Greggs is yelling at Sapphira to give him a hand while the fires burn wildy all over his BLT, faces dancing in the orange. Dru's ghost stands by and chuckles as she sends her mini demons to do her bidding. Sapphira sighs in exasperation and love as she wonders how he pulled this one off, telling him once again not to use magic around the food.

8) 5 is in a car crash and is critictly injured. What does 9 do? (Giles and Uther)
Uther stares in amazement at this wrecked thing that Morgana calls a 'car.' He is sure this must be witchcraft and batters at it with his sword, screaming that he will, he swears by Camelot, vanquish this evil thing. He then hears a moan that is distinctly his--er, Giles' and rushes to slice into the belly of the thing to retrieve his modern lover-- friend.  
He gasps and calls for Morgana, who races in and drags Giles into an alleyway, telling the king that she must purge him of magic. Her sarcasm almost gives her away. Uther leaves and she heals him.

9) 3 has to marry either 8,4 or 9. Who do they chose? (Madi, Buffy, Elliot and Uther)
Well, seeing as Elliot is her cousin, he is strictly off limits. Buffy is not (at least she swears she isn't) a lesbian. So that leaves Uther, who she is fond of anyway (or so she tells herself.)

10) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it? [[Jamie is captured by Buffy and demands something from Giles. This is so so so perfect, I couldn't have chosen better myself.]]
Buffy meets Giles in a dark alley.
Buffy: I want something important. Something you wouldn't give to me otherwise.
Giles: Anything.
Buffy *swallowing*: Why? Why would you give up anything for her? And don't say because you know I won't hurt her.
Giles: That's what you want? An explanation? *Buffy nods* Because... Because I love her. Because she understands me more than anyone else. Perhaps ever. Because she's been through everything that I have. Because she would give anything for me. Because she gave everything for me.
Buffy: Giles, she's an outsider! And you won't... You won't have enough room for me in that heart of yours. 
Giles: I have always loved you more than anything in the world. I killed for you. And Jamie understood that. Even though it hurt her, she accepted she will always be second in my life.
*They run to hug each other. Meanwhile, somewhere on LiveJournal, Giles/Buffy fans are cheering from their computer and one Giles/Willow shipper is hunting me down for my blood*

11) You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you chose?
Aguuuuuhhh. Again with the Greggs or Willow? I can't... Can't compuuuuuute. *explodes*

12) 10 challenges 4 to a chariot race. Why? (Morgana and Elliot)
Because Morgana likes to win. And anyone against Elliot automatically wins on account of his leetle arhhhhms. (except, of course, on a who-can-sing-the-highest contest).

13) Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell? (Madi)
Ha! A chance in hell? That's a good one. Leetle arhhhhms seem to be genetic.

14) Everyone is invite to 2 and 10 wedding except for 8. How do they react?(Jamie and Morgana, Buffy)
Probably have a huge angst!storm and vent to Giles and somehow link it to her duty as the Slayer. She crashes the wedding, leaving Giles and Uther to sulk themselves into oblivion.

15) Why is 6 afraid of 7?(Willow and Buffy season 7)
She... Isn't? Uhm, she's as powerful as Buff is and--
Ohhhh! I see what you did there. Because Buffy (7) EIGHT Uther (9).
Uh oh. Morgana ain't happy.

16) 10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
Morgana: Once upon a time, there was an evil king, let's just name him Kuther, who didn't believe in magic and decided to commit homicide. So a beautiful, hot maiden with powers beyond belief destroyed Uth-- er Kuther's army and took over all of Came-- I mean Spamelot, forcing the king to his knees. And then she took Kuther and made him become her sex slave. With him under her power and that brat Arth-- I mean Larthur with his memory erased, she ruled as the one supreme, just queen of all! *now standing and cackling while her face glows*
Uther: I don't quite like that one, Morgana. It feels as of there is a hidden meaning that is alluding me. I demand you tell another.
*facepalms all around while Jamie glares at her wife*

17) 1 arives late for 2 and 10's wedding. What happens? And why are they late?
Greggs is late because he's too busy going from self pitying because of his late wife to flirting with Sapphira. As per usual.

18) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your Jamie and Morgana's house. What happends?(Giles and Uther)
Jamie and Morgana return from their honeymoon to find Giles and Uther are sprawled on he floor, unconscious. On their lace bedding, it says "Have a bloody fan-fucking-tastic time, newlyweds!" in mayonnaise. 
Morgana: Again?

19) 3,8,6 and 4 all go to the zoo for 8's brithday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8? (Madi, Xander, Willow [season 3] and Elliot)
They (Xander) end up avoiding the hyena cage completely, looking for suspicious zoologists and jumping at every maggot and pray mantis. Willow also manages to unlock the gorilla cage while conjuring icecream for all. That's okay though, seeing as they all escape in one piece to get to Madi and Elliot's dorm. 
Madi gets him a porn magazine hidden between the pages of Pride and Prejudice, just as they has planned. Willow raises an eyebrow as he cries out with glee. Elliot grabs him four Superman comic books after hearing his earlier debate with Oz, and Willow grants him with a good luck charm. It's rose quartz carved into a large cross for safety instead of religion.

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do? 
They are protesting their miserable existences. That is, the miserable existences I write them into. I call for Greggs, who immediately softens and appeals to the angry mob's humanity as I clutch to him for dear life.

21) 9 murders 2 best friend. What does 2 do to get back at them? (Uther and Jamie)
Uther murdered Giles? Well first Jamie sets up a make-out session with her wifey, Morgana to make him a) hot and b) pained that she's kissing another guy-- er, gal. She then proceeds to kick him where it matters and demands that he finds a wizard to bring him back (the vey thing he hates) or she'll tell Morgana never to see him again. He'll cry out and admit it was a joke, at which point a flushed but pissed off Giles rounds the corner, having seen and heard everything.

22) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can surrvie. Does 6 save themself or 1? (Willow and Greggs)
Easy. Giles swoops in and saves them both after being given a charm from Morgana that defies all chances of being knocked on the head. I then kill YOU for putting my Greggs and Willow in danger.

23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?
Pfffft, Madi hands down. Assuming, that is, she lives long enough. I mean, she'll be all 'la la la la' and get hit by a truck as she crosses the street.

24) 5 is trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens? (Giles and Morgana) 
Morgana gasps and helps him out with her magical-ness. He then dives back in, saying the only reason he was trapped was because some idiot tried to awaken Acathla. Again. She follows and they both destroy a skinless Warren. They then continue to go out for icecream.

25) 3 starts a day camp. What happens?
Madi? Start a day camp? Like, for kids? Also very funny. Who'd give her a permit?

26) 4,6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in.  What happens?(Elliot, Willow, Buffy and Xander)
Xander walks in. He turns around and goes right back where he came from.

27) 1 starts to write a fan-fiction where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction? (Greggs, Uther, Morgana and Jamie)
Greggs is at the Summer's computer, giggling occasionally. Jamie, wanders over, seeing as Morgana is off looking for Giles and Uther is sulking. Again.
Jamie glances over his shoulder, reading the heading.
"The Gypsy King's Story about the witch and The king." She continues, grimacing occasionally at the grammar and spelling. 
Jamie: Didn't you ever go to school?
Greggs *distractedly*: Nope. To busy ruling.

28) 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good? (Buffy)
Yes, it would be wonderful if I hadn't found bits of last night's patrol in it.

29) 8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do? (That is sooo Madi and Xander)
They go back into the Opera House as Madi calls for Elliot.
Elliot: So, do you guys like the Opera House's backyard?

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do? (If you haven't seen that movie pretend they ran into the Bogyman or something like that instead.)
Run to tell Jamie, Giles, Willow, Buffy, Morgana and Uther, who bring all the rest. They have a huge and epic battle of magic and wits (they blindfold Uther), ending with the Master turning to bone and dust, just as he had the last time.

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
They help me look for another, of course!

btvs, fanfiction, buffy/giles

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