There's this girl, and she-
-Makes Mortal Kombat references about sex
-Works on contingency? No, money down!
-Enjoys long hikes and protects me from horseflies, and bears
-Raises Cthulhu
-Bakes better potatoes than i'm sometimes willing to admit
-Is worth waking up for
-Hates it when i alter the basic recipe for scrambled eggs in any way
-Is singularly and captivatingly beautiful
-Could probably drink me under the table
-Aims to misbehave
-May not "get" everything about me, but tries, which means so much
-Knows never to get involved in a land war in Asia
-Sits on rocks in the sun with me and talks of fish and trees and moths
-Solves domestic disputes with displays of physical prowess
-High fives after particularly good orgasms
-Is amazing in the kitchen in so many ways
-Deserves to be wrapped up in seaweed and buried in mud
-Is a little short to be a stormtrooper
-Doesn't know i'm writing this
-Probably won't get all these Simpsons references
-Changes every day in ways that only increase my love for her
-Does not condemn my exploration of altered states or abandoned buildings
-Likes to smoke, enjoys a joke, and wouldn't get a bit upset if she were really broke
-Likes my cooking, or is at least kind enough to flatter me. Hmm...
-Is desired by many, but too bad for them because i've got her, and if any of them so much as touch her so help me God i will end their existence where they stand. They will envy pillars of salt.
-Knows i'm not the jealous type. No, really.
-Is fast, faster than you can possibly imagine. Don't even blink.
-Snorts adorably when she laughs, which i love
-Sometimes leaves the high heels on, which i love
-Likes me for reasons i'll never understand
-Understands why this isn't easy
-Is on my team by default come the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse (Scientific term: Zombocalypse)
-Could cut you here... or maybe here, across the belly, spilling your intestines
-Reads comic books and plays videogames
-Is worth killing for
-Worth dying for
-Worth going to Hell for
-Openly fantasizes about leaving me for Robert Downey Jr. Boy i'd like to punch his pretty face good! But he's too dreamy. *sigh*
-Is supportive of my dreams, even the ones she doesn't like like the houseboat, or the underground maze, or the flying motorcycle which would totally WORK by the way
-Makes up for being a jew in other ways
-Is going to punish me for that remark. Sweet, agonising punishment.
-Is made of tinker toy
-Couldn't be more amazing if she had an electrified amazing machine
-Comes up to my neck, but stands on pointe to kiss
-Understands the significance of ink
-Knows she could be doing better
-Changes the oppressive, crushing roar of bleak reality to imperceptible white noise whenever i lose my thoughts in her demure gaze
-Knows that i love every inch of skin on her body, and the wonder of every thought she expresses
-Is someone i will would immolate nations to be with again
I'm done! You guys can have a turn now. Those of you who are single, i apologise for nothing, and advise that solace can be found in sweet sweet liquor. Maybe you can write about that instead. You can write about drinking. Because you are alone.
-Seeker loves a sweet potato