Feb 03, 2006 17:38
I woke up this morning after having gone to bed at around 1:30ish and my parents let me sleep in. This was a good thing, because I really wasn't feeling good. I then proceeded to get ready for school, so that I wouldn't miss AP Calculus. I'm all set and about to go when I walk into my garage and press the button to open the door, and it raises to a max height of about 10 inches. So after some thought, and a pretty ingenious plan involving a walking stick and my remote garage door opener, I finally got it open. Then realized that by the time I got out of the garage, got to school, checked in, and went to class, that Mr. Casey would be pretty much done with the lesson, and I would wonder why I went through all the trouble of getting there.
So after that I went to Flowers to visit my grandmother, and then came back to school for the rest of fourth block. Then I had to do something that scares me to think about doing - get my hair cut. I don't like doing it, because I always convince myself that I am going to look like a huge dork when it is over with. This notion is always subdued by Este at Hair 'n Motion. She is awesome.
I said that I would be trying out some new poetry on you, so here goes. If you didn't know, I draw a quarter of my ancestry from Japan. Not very many people can tell right off the bat, but it's true. So in celebration of my heritage, I thought I'd share with you a beautiful haiku that I came up with:
Did you know that there
are seventeen syllables
in a haiku? Yep.
That's an award winner right there.