Le Highlights.
Well to start with I want to say, for the record, that I now offically understand the true terrors of a zombie incursion. It doesn't rest in the fact that they all want to eat your brain. It doesn't have anything to do with their relentless attempts to crash into any structure you hole yourself up in. It's not even the smell or the fact that they are nearly invulnerable to attack. Nay.
Its the sheer numbers. The unending sea of bodies and heads that, while ambling next to one another, not only appear to move in a gentle wave, but ultimately state "Unless you can sprout wings, you aren't going anywhere."
The hallways, the dealers rooms, and a lot of the spaces in between were a lot like that. If someone 30 yards ahead dropped a contact, and the line stopped so that they could find it, you can surely bet you aren't going to be moving forward. No room for kinetic negotiation, or the polite pass through of an "excuse me"- its lock down, and you aren't going anywhere.
In other news, the MST3K showing of Revenge of the Sith was HEEE-Larious! For example the scene between Padme and Anakin where she says "I'm Pregnant." one of the commentators springs up with "It AIN'T MINE!" as Anakin gazes at her. Or the scene where Dooku's hands get cut off that gets quiped with "Hey! I was gonna use those later!!". I nearly pee'd my pants. I also nearly lit the nerferder sitting next to Rachael, who wouldn't shut up on fire, but thats a different story.
The Cruxshadows show was preceeded by me getting drunk at Steak and Ale. At the concert I got more booze on the provision that I make sure Rachael kept belly dancing. Believe me, that was easier than anything- thats her favorite goth club type of dance. I would later find out that the guy who gave me the warm Vodka and Coke had been circling like a vulture around her. Soon after CJ got tired of shaking his groove thang. (Which, might I add, can do more than the "I'm trapped in a well" dance that I know how to do) And we all retired.
I picked up some swell swag. Among which was a game I've had my eye on called Shadows Over Camelot. This game, which of course retails for $49.99, cost me $42.00, because the dealer was having a sale on all of his games. I also got the second edition of the "Once Upon a Time" game, which has been discussed by virtually all of the "RPG'ers" of my former alma mater for years. I have yet to have the guts to try and play it, as I'm a bit dull witted when I work. However as CJ and Rachael will attest, Shadows over Camelot is really fun. In the process of purchasing them I actually got to briefly talk with
joietyger I brought Loot, Bang, Fluxx and Gullotine in the hopes that I'd con someone into playing any of them with me in the open gaming room, but alas I didn't find the time to go. While waiting for the Costume Competition, which was host to a number of costumes that took months worth of work designing I did get to play Fluxx on the floor of the hotel.
The quest for IHOP, and Starbucks, which were the dominant features of the drive down and back were adventures in and of themselves. The entertainment value of the drive down was worth its weight in gold as CJ, Rachael and I, Razzed one another and tossed out zingers all the way. It was a really great time for everyone, and I look forward to one day doing it again. However that wont be for a while. I have a wedding, a honeymoon, and a move to plan, and I imagine that come next September I'm still going to be poor as a result.