He'd found a lab coat of his own, two... three days -- weeks, perhaps? -- ago, which came quite in handy, when at such a great risk of splattering his favorite sweater in coagulated blood. On the lab table, there was a irregular mass, lumpy and gray. Quite a prime example of a malignant, metastatic tumor, textbook, really, which was both
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"If there is a reason, I couldn't tell you what it might be. Well, other than that she belongs to me, of course."
Peeling off his gloves and heading toward the sink for a quick wash, he said, "I'm not convinced it's paint. I believe she's been genetically modified."
"I was always quite fond of that film," he said, running his hand over Gene's shoulder, "Though, I find my enjoyment of it exponentially greater after a small dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms." He paused. "Or a large dose."
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