It seemed like it had been so long since George was in a good mood that he'd almost forgotten what it felt like. For over a month now, it seemed as though there had always been a cloud over him, weighing him down with guilt. Of course none of it was his fault; no one could really be blamed for the way the island brought people and took them away,
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Eventually, it'd gotten to the point where a girl just had to try to get to the bottom of it all.
Leaning over the opposite side of the table, Sookie lowered herself to try to get a look at his eyes, a thick copy of the Bristol Evening Post tucked under her arm. "So," she greeted, softly interrupting his look of concentration. "Wouldn' ( ... )
Perhaps she needed to speak with Nina.
"Well, I don't know... what's necessary to sort through, or if it's just one of those things that can't go away. I guess I- I just hope that there's something I can do to help, that's all," Sookie exhaled softly. "Or at least have a better idea of what's going on in there." That she felt like she was losing him in recent weeks was a fear that Sookie didn't voice; doing so, she suspected, would feel too real.
"That's all there is. And there's nothing you can do about it, Sookie. And I know, I know that's frustrating and makes you think there's something else, some secret to ferret out to make it all work together. But there isn't." He managed the slightest smile, almost genuine and almost sympathetic. "It just is what it is, Sookie. I'm dealing with it."
Whatever amount of burden she received as a result, it didn't matter. Most important was for her to continue to be there for him. "You know me," she smiled. "I worry about people, and I feel like idle hands are the devil's workshop- especially for me. But... okay." She nodded again. "I trust you. And I trust that if there is something I can do, you'll tell me."
"Hey," he said in a hushed voice, touching their foreheads together. "I love you. And I do know you. The last thing you are is idle." Mitchell's hand found her shoulder, squeezed it gently as he leaned back, his arm still around her. "It'll sort itself out. Trust me."
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