SURVIVOR FAVORITES: Borneo: Richard Hatch

Dec 28, 2010 21:23

(Note that my Survivor Favorites are solely judged on the seasons I have seen the person play in.  I have not seen every season; this is not a complete list.)
Richard Hatch
Survivor: Borneo and Survivor: All-Stars

Why?  Because he's the original strategist.  (I don't call him a villian because he isn't one.  He didn't pull any Hantz or Boston Rob shit.)  He just watched people and studied them and knew what to say to whom.  He's intelligent and cocky and hilarious. And what makes it even more amazing?  It was the FIRST season.  No one knew what they were getting into, and he knew instinctively that this is a mind game and you gotta read people and play them.  Regardless of what place he came in, he is one of the most phenomenal players the game has ever seen.  Not to mention his openness about homosexuality and nudity.  And the fact that he survived his four years in jail and came out the same awesome man he was when the season aired.

Spoilery video under the cut that epitomizes why I love him, and futher commentary.

image Click to view

His Borneo game, like I said, was near perfect.  And I heard he would have won on a 6-1 vote if it hadn't been for Sue's speech.  Apparently that's what got Kelly the pity votes.  The 4-3 win wasn't as much as he deserved, but it's cool; Kelly played a fucking great game, too, and she deserved second.  I just think his brilliance deserved a unanimous win, or something close to it.
His All-Stars game was good too, to an extent.  He would have made it a lot further if Ethan hadn't come over I believe.  Overall his ability to provide didn't compensate for his cockiness.  I don't think the Sue incident played into him getting voted out, and I hope it didn't.  His arrogance was a little irritating to watch in AS, but it was part of what I admired in Borneo.  Also, no one on that season had the advantage of anonymity, and I think that affected him more than most of the other Survivors.  Ultimately, he was bamboozled(!!!!) and he took it in stride very well.  I wish he had made the jury.  I can't wait to see him on a future season, when all his legal troubles are taken care of.

survivor favorites, spoiler alert!!11!1!!, video

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