The lines on offer for Richard Bach's Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah are *drum roll*...
1. Nothing much happened for a few months after I wrote my previous book.
2. It seems like everybody has a book in them somewhere.
3. The Midwest seemed a good place to start.
4. It is said that experience makes one wise, but in my experience that is not always so.
5. There was a Master come unto the earth, born in the holy land of Indiana, raised in the mystical hills east of Fort Wayne.
6. The world looks different from five thousand feet.
7. Even rubber ducks can fly if you chuck them hard enough.
8. Have you ever tried flying with your eyes shut?
Poll IllusionsDeadline for votes for round 4 is Tuesday, 6PM BST. Have a good weekend!
If you should wish to risk the extra bit, the submitters are
songofnewday ,
dorianegray ,
plucky_lass ,
braisedbywolves ,
sammywol ,
nwhyte ,