Round 4 lines looking for guesses

Sep 11, 2009 07:08

Miss Betsy Thoughtless presents herself to you wit the following lines:

1.  Dear reader, this which you are about to embark upon reading is a most curious tale- - - but also most instructive.

2.  Fresh morning light gave the spilt red ink upon the white paper the look of a fresh cut sandwich of strawberry jam.

3.  From each tale can man extract some little consolation, if it be one which shews virtue at her best.

4.  Had Betsy's parents been more than passingly acquainted with the concept of futurity, they might well have commissioned astrological charts for the child and learned that she was born with Mercury ascendant in the house of Scorpio, explaining much.

5.  It was always my opinion, that fewer women were undone by love, than vanity; and that those mistakes the sex are sometimes guilty of, proceed, for the most part, rather from inadvertency, than a vicious inclination.

6.  Our scene is laid amongst the verdant fields and bosky hedgerows of the ancient kingdom of Kent, for there it was that our heroine, miss Betsy Thoughtless, first drew breath--first stepped--first spoke--in Kent, in short, was her home.

7.  The escape from the schoolroom is commonly held to be a case for celebration, yet how differently Miss Betsy felt as she approached her discretionary years.

Deadline:  Saturday, 10 PM London time, as I should be at the theatre, doncha know.

Poll Betsy Thoughtless

game 29

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