
Sep 13, 2009 15:50

Been wrestling with the aforementioned illnesses that had me home on Thurs/Fri.  I have mostly been asleep since then.

Your choices for the last round of the 18th century game are as follows:

1.  On January the 23rd, 17--, notwithstanding a very severe fall of snow, which had rendered the roads almost impassable, and travelling particularly disagreeable, not to say dangerous, Henry Melcombe left London on his way in to Wiltshire.

2.  History is said to be writ by the victors, yet what can one say of the history of a family?

3.  It is the habit of the Novelist to dwell amongst coronets, ascribing to the noble creations of their several pens every thing that is honourable in te way of feeling, speech and action.

4.  The precise circumstances of Montague's birth shall not be revealed but until later, but the Reader may be assured that they involved a surgeon of some small measure of competence perfomring admirably under difficult circumstances.

5.  Montague felt somewhat that his recent meeting with the Duchess of Argyle had been somewhat rash at the time, but some powders of sulfur would probably remove it before the high-jinks and merry pranks at the hunt ball.

6.  Anthony Altamont, having had in life no more than any common man might expect until the age of his majority, was almost immediately thereafter the subject of a most diverting escapade.

7.  Altamont Hall rose stately from amongst verdant lawns, tastefully planted with stands of wood, yet on that fateful February morning, it looked not gracious, but foreboding.

Poll Deadline:  Tuesday, 5 PM

game 29

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