Jan 02, 2010 19:12
Poll Sorry for the extended hiatus everyone, I'm still ill (so this may be more ridiculous than usual) but will hopefully be able to stay on top of tings from here.
The lines are
1: The problem with having three boys who took after their father, reflected Lady Peter Wimsey wistfully but fondly, was that there was never a moment's silence in which to relax--only moments in which to wonder what they were up to
2: The war- Harriet refused to accord it a capital letter- would not, it seems let her be.
3: "Whoever, for example, Lady Peter," said Miss Agnes Twitterton, "Is that?"
4: Dawn, London, Autumn, 1940, and the song and flight of the dawn chorus was once more silent in the wake of wingbeats far more terrible.
5: Lady Harriet Wimsey carefully scraped the last of the butter across her crumpet.
6: "Oh, damn!" exclaimed Lady Peter Wimsey.
7: "I shan't hear of it! Bunter will drive you, won't you me old dear?", declared Lord Peter to his rather harried looking spouse.
All present and correct at last, deadline monday night at eight but let me know if you need longer.
game 33