Game 34, Round 1 Lines

Jan 13, 2010 22:26

We have lines!

1. A "hot" smell of burning oil and sawdust hung in the air.
2. Brian knew the station as well as he knew his own porch, so when a porter he had never met announced a train at a platform that wasn't there, he knew at once that something was amiss.
3. Brian knew what the station should look like.
4. Brian walked into the station, blinked, and looked again.
5. That Summer it rained incessantly.
6. Richard Parker: The railway cutting was carved out of solid chalk, sharp and sheer, capped with a thin layer of pale dried-out earth and faded parched grass.


Deadline for guesses is 21:00 GMT on Friday, January 15th, 2010.

game 34

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