Jun 29, 2010 18:33
Which of these begins A Hawk in Silver by Mary Gentle?
1. Banners cracked in the wind, and the hot grass smelled of summer.
2. Holly almost didn't see the coin that would change everything.
3. Holly pressed herself against the wall as a bicycle careened past.
4. Holly slumped on her bed, fanning herself with a magazine. "It's too bloody hot," she complained.
5. Holly walked down the path to her friend Chris' house, carefully avoiding the cracks in the pavement.
6. Silver glinted.
7. The stone ticked and tacked its way over the hopscotch squares.
8. While economists claim that it is impossible for money to be left simply lying on the pavement without someone having previously picked it up, nonetheless the coin was there.
Poll HiS
Deadline is Thursday, 6PM--sharp this time, as I have to go out later! And of course, "wirst" above is really "worst" in disguise--but lj hates letting me edit polls!
game 39