Game 49, book 2

Feb 17, 2012 08:09

We have a flashy selection of first lines (I'm sorry, it's far too early), as follows:

1. It was never my plan to have greatness thrust upon me, but given the opportunity I shall take what is offered.
2. Hughes got it wrong, in one important detail.
3. I fear my departure from Rugby could not be classified as my finest hour.
4. The army had always seemed a promising career for a young Englishman, given the infrequency with which the English servicemen of my younger years ever faced a more deadly foe than a disgruntled native with a more-than-usually distracting headdress.
5. My life has been peopled with greater and lesser villains, none more so than my own grandfather, and the tales of his exploits inspired me from an early age.
6. The one advantage to becoming old, apart from the obvious fact of having managed to continuously avoid death, is that one no longer feels obliged to lie about one's own stark knavery.

Poll Game 49 book 2

Answers in by Sunday 19th, midday GMT, if you would.

game 49

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