Dec 14, 2012 15:06
We have lines!
1. Arthur Gordon stood in the darkness by the bank of the Rogue River, having walked a dozen yards away from his house and family and guests, momentarily weary of company.
2. The evening felt quieter than most, Arthur thought.
3. The first sign was the fish, but no-one realised that until afterwards.
4. The sun was just setting when the phone rang, shattering the stillness of the evening and the peace of Arthur Gordon's life.
As you may or may not have guessed, the third mini-theme for this game is "The End of the World". And given that, it's probably obvious that I'll be going old-school, apocalyptically speaking, for the other book of that mini-theme and doing one of the 'Left Behind' books. Problem is that I know that we've done at least one of them before, but that must have been sometime after the last time the index was updated. So if anyone happens to remember which one it was, go ahead and let me know in comments so that I can make sure to go with a different one this time around.
Poll Game 50 Book 4 Lines
Deadline: Wednesday, Dec 19, Noonish Pacific Time
game 50