The lines for Empire Grill are in.
1. Three years worth of a liberal arts education from NYA made Miles Roby emminently qualified for his chosen vocation.
2. When Miles started calling his daughter "Tick," his wife Janine flipped out: "Her name is Trixie, not some blood-sucking insect," as if that had been the idea.
3. Compared to the Whiting mansion in town, the house Charles Beaumount Whiting built a decade after his return to Maine was modest.
4. It was a tough role to play: that of a dismal failure.
5. "Shit!" Miles burnt his hand on the hot plate, and realised that was about as good as the day was going to get.
6. Diner time doesn't work the same way as normal time.
7. After 20 years, Miles was so used to the lunchtime routine that it was almost automatic.
8. He'd never really expected to stay at the Empire Grill for more than a few months.
9. Miles jerked his head back from the grill at just the right moment, before the flames burned off his eyebrows.
10. Burgers were not his vocation.
Poll Deadline: 5pm GMT Wednesday