We have lines!
1. A handful of minutes after nine I hoisted my Bloomingdale's shopping bag and moved out of a doorway and into step with a tall blond fellow with a faintly equine cast to his face.
2. Bernie Rhodenbarr stared into the empty refigerator.
3. By the time he told me my high school GPA and the position I played on the second-string football team, I was sweating like a pig.
4. I didn't exactly have an office, but I still seemed to have picked up a secretary: Ruth Stavorsky was for me telephone book, memory and, when least expected, muscle.
5. If I'm honest, I have to admit that at the time, I couldn't see any problems with the job.
6. Looking back, it probably wasn't the best decision I could have made.
7. So far Bernard Rhodenbarr had had a very interesting day, 'interesting' in the Chinese curse sense of the word anyway.
Poll Game 10, Book 5 Vote Deadline: Tuesday, 3-ish Pacific Time