Game 12, Round 4 Lines

Apr 14, 2008 21:06

The lines are in, and it's voting time again.

Please pick one of the following lines...

1. As Jane pulled on her trousers she considered that there must be enough summer left to allow for the capture of at least one frog.
2. It was, without a doubt, the worst news she had ever heard.
3. Jane could hear her brothers running and laughing in the distance.
4. Jane kicked the side of her bed, wishing she could walk out of the dorm and into the barn.
5. Jane was perched in her favourite tree, waiting for the postman to find her booby trap.
6. The stables were unusually quiet.
7. What a ghastly-looking set of girls!
8. "You'll have to wear dresses every day, you know," said Tom.


Voting deadline is 8pm Irish Summer Time (=GMT+1) on Thursday, April 17th.

game 12

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