Game 19, Round 2, lines

Oct 18, 2008 15:55

OK my intrepid crew, haul your minds out of the Antarctic ice long enough to stop by sun-soaked Corfu and decide between the several offerings which is the real first line of My Family and Other Animals. Lines below the cut here :

1 - July had been blown out like a candle by a biting wind that ushered in a leaden August sky.

2 - It was Larry who began it all.

3 - Most English families are happy with a dog or two.

4 - “Really, dear,” Mother said, “I’m not sure a donkey is entirely appropriate.”

5 - Mother said, optimistically, that Corfu would be "An education."

6 - It was all going well until Mother saw the lizards.

7 - Out of my entire family, I seemed to be the only one who was actually pleased about our moving to Corfu.

8 - It all started with a rabbit.

9 - Corfu was British for almost half a century, but my family moved there much later.

Poll Game 19, Round 2, lines

Deadline for votes will be Tuesday 21st Oct, 5 pm BST. New book will go up around the same time.

round 2, game 19

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