I'm sure you jinxed us. The last thing some of us need right now is something coming along while those who can fight are currently out of commission. Our eyes being open will do us no good. [LINE FACING]
This island is pretty damn jinxed already, if you ask me. And not all who can fight are out of commission. So keeping your eyes open right now is exactly what we have to do, because there's nothing else we can do.
[voice] i love how I replied to this HOURS ago and I see now it didn't go throughbladedstrayApril 29 2011, 01:42:42 UTC
Keeping your eyes open, right. So that helps us to fight. Staring whatever we face, down. That will go over well I'm sure. If you can do it, then fine. Just don't ask for backup.
[voice] LJ B' TROLLIN' YO~ s'all cool tho 8)ilu_impalaApril 29 2011, 01:48:00 UTC
While you what? Run away? Don't know if you've noticed, sweetheart, but we're on an island. Whatever is on it will hunt as down and it's not gonna wait for you to rest up. All I'm sayin' is be prepared as best as you can.
[voice] ya srsly. I don't approve.bladedstrayApril 29 2011, 01:50:37 UTC
Again with the nicknames... I already know that. You're just asking for trouble while the rest of us would rather not go looking for it. [Anyone tell you that you have a jerk running around with the same voice?]
[voice] I dont think anyone does :(ilu_impalaApril 29 2011, 01:53:41 UTC
I'm not askin' for anything, this is the only way to make sure you all know to be prepared. Can't go knockin' form door to door, now can I? Just deal with it, it's been said by now anyway, and that's that.
[ Oh, he knows. He just doesn't know how many people are mixing him up with Jason. ]
[voice] 8( aw that thread djnskjnffkeilu_impalaApril 29 2011, 02:51:41 UTC
Well, sometimes you have to do whatever it takes. If a monster stands in my way, down they go. Now a person? Hey, I'll give whoever a chance but endless back an' forthin' won't save anyone.
[voice] Jason's screwing you up man.bladedstrayApril 29 2011, 02:53:47 UTC
I don't have a problem with killing. [If that was the case, then she'd be a murderer ten times over. Or at least close to it. She usually just heavily injures people.] Enjoying it is what I have a problem with. I told you this. [Well not you, Jason.] Whatever it is, I'll sink my fangs into them. I do it survive, not because I want to.
[voice] that punk's gonna get it ilu_impalaApril 29 2011, 02:56:05 UTC
You haven't told me anything. But no -- geez, I never said I enjoyed it. It's a necessity though, a sucky one at that but hell, I ain't gonna hesitate if it needs to be done. And trust me, it does most of the time.
This island is pretty damn jinxed already, if you ask me. And not all who can fight are out of commission. So keeping your eyes open right now is exactly what we have to do, because there's nothing else we can do.
Keeping your eyes open, right. So that helps us to fight. Staring whatever we face, down. That will go over well I'm sure. If you can do it, then fine. Just don't ask for backup.
While you what? Run away? Don't know if you've noticed, sweetheart, but we're on an island. Whatever is on it will hunt as down and it's not gonna wait for you to rest up. All I'm sayin' is be prepared as best as you can.
Again with the nicknames... I already know that. You're just asking for trouble while the rest of us would rather not go looking for it. [Anyone tell you that you have a jerk running around with the same voice?]
I'm not askin' for anything, this is the only way to make sure you all know to be prepared. Can't go knockin' form door to door, now can I? Just deal with it, it's been said by now anyway, and that's that.
[ Oh, he knows. He just doesn't know how many people are mixing him up with Jason. ]
Some of us know better, so you can do without the leadership skills and directing everything. [Ie. stop barking orders.]
Really? 'Cause it's startin' to sound like that's exactly what this place needs. What, with you all runnin' around like headless chickens.
Where you even get off saying that?
I've saved a lotta asses this way, believe it or not. Sooner or later you'll thank me for puttin' a little order into this chaos.
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