SPN WIPBB: Any Old Music Will Do - masterpost

May 29, 2014 23:57

Title: Any Old Music Will Do [WIP Big Bang 2013]
Rating: NC-17 all up
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, some Dean/Benny, Dean/Eliot, Dean/Victor, minor Dean/Michael, Dean/Cain, past Dean/Anna, Dean/Meg, Crowley/Castiel, Sam/Jess, Chuck
Genre: AU, smut, romance, drama, angst, hurt/comfort... did I mention smut?
Warnings: sex work, switch topping/bottoming (yes that means both Dean and Cas bottom), multiple partners, unexpected sex, slightly public sex, mentions of rough sex, mentions of homophobia, past het, peripheral family character illness & death... unbeta'd!
Word Count: 21,160 apx
Summary: You can find him at The Inferno, dancing in his underwear in front of crowds of rabid women. For a little extra, he'll give you your own private dance, doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl. For a lot extra, all the clothes come off, and Dean Winchester will do anything you want. Enter Castiel, the awkward librarian who asks Dean to take his virginity, then keeps coming back for more. Somewhere along the way, their roles change...
A/N: This is something I started writing for the panfandom sex industry meme, but then left it hanging for so long I signed it up for the Finish Your Sh** Big Bang ^^; I suppose it's fitting, since I've been carrying this idea around since my last fandom... over 10 years ago ^^;;;; Then when I started writing for Supernatural after season 6 I though it would carry over well. Just-- I write so goddamn slow *cries*
Disclaimer: If Supernatural were mine there would be a lot more nudity in it. Obviously. But it ain't. Sadly.

chapter 1- It's just sex
chapter 2 - It's not the end of the world
chapter 3 - You'll see
chapter 4 - I'll show you

also at A03 ~ and FF.net

art by catcitycat at tumblr

Author's Thanks: Big thanks to my artist Cat, who picked up my fic when it seemed no one else would, and then drawing the most adorable pieces for the fic! Please head over to tumblr and show her some love for doing that for me <3

And huge thanks to the mods Frea and Shen, for setting up this challenge in the first pace, because without it I might never have gotten this story out of my system... And then for being so awesome and supportive throughout the whole process that they deserve medals and hugs and puppies <3 <3 <3

rating: nc-17, spn pairing: crowley/castiel, spn verse (wipbb): any old music will do, genre: smut, spn pairing: dean/castiel, spn pairing: dean/benny, type: fanfiction, genre: au, destiel is my otp, slash, genre: angst, spn pairing: dean/eliot, fandom: supernatural

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