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- MORE MOD NOTES: Alright guys I know this fandom is really into historical accuracy and all that jazz but here's the thing. This is a KINK MEME and therefore historical accuracy is not
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Chapter 6
In which the Rev. St. John repents His Weakness, rides in a Howdah, makes an Unpleasant Realization and begins to reconsider His Mission.
St. John emerged from his bed as the last stars were leaving the sky and walked along the road to the entrance of the great estate. He tried to compose himself to the extent that he could look Cpt. Aquilaine in the eye without blushing in shame or worse-his dream had awoken not only debased thoughts but unexpectedly fond feelings as well. Have I long felt thus about the Captain, or am I merely deceived by the echoes of this impure vision? I pray it is the latter; brotherly affections are a gift from God, but what my soul and body seem to hope for is something tainted.He recited psalms, sang a hymn and, in short, made nearly every good attempt to purge his ( ... )
“Agara hama kāma nahīṁ karatē hama kōṛē haiṁ.”
“Kōṛē? Maiṁ śabda nahīṁ jānatā.” St. John gave an elaborate shrug.
That brought a weary smile to the guide's face. “Kōṛē. Mārā?” He mimicked the actions of beating someone with a stick.
“Āha. Yaha hai ki kyōṁ kisī kō thā... Kala kōṛē?”
The guide's face went dark. “Hāṁ. Ki mērē cacērē bhā'ī thē. Usakā bēṭā bahuta bīmāra hai. Vaha usakī paravāha kārakhānē mēṁ jānā nahīṁ cāhatā thā, isali'ē vē usē kōṛē aura hama saba kō dēkhanē kē li'ē banāyā hai.”
“Vē ēka aurata kō kōṛē?” St. John suddenly found this conversation to be quite useful; his misery was being converted, with all due haste, into a fine and burning rage towards the vicious, grasping Corporal, who needed to possess everything, rule everything, and would never spare so much as the crumbs for another man if he could manage. “Ki burā hai, duṣṭa. Āpa kyōṁ nahīṁ chōṛa sakatā hūm̐? ( ... )
I have been shouting the praises of this story all over LJ; I cannot even tell you how much I love it.
I need it to be next Friday already!
when I read your obeservation I first thought WTF Corporal is one of the higher ranking officers! I do not understand this at all.
anyway, I was CONFUSED. LOTS. and then I read your comment again and was like hoshit. I called him Corporal. I meant COLONEL. I always get those confused. Always. Fuck fuck oh well.
Good catch! I'm stickin' with my error, because consistency is fun, but I'll fixy-fixy for when I post to AO3. :D
also, last time someone pointed out an error I was a tad grumpy about it, but it propelled me into a tentacle-fic. I am not grumpy now, but perhaps I will come up with something anyways...
This is really brilliant, feels very period and very emotional. Just please, work in the very Jane Eyre-esque and symbolic BED ON FIRE. Nothing communicates Victorian desire to bang ASAP than a symbolic FIRE in the BED.
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