It should not have surprised her at all, really. This sort of occurrence had been far too common in her family for as long as she could remember, and even held some personal grief over the matter. And yet, she still found it hard to come to terms with; was the Seyruun throne that big of a draw?
The answer seemed to be yes, considering her situation
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After a few moments, she somehow got the latch open, letting the door swing open, leaving her only able to wait for the person to come in, not trusting her voice right now.
Stepping inside, he reached out his hand to take hold of hers, both to let her feel the seal he wore, and because he wanted to hold. "Amelia, it's Kazuki," he said, closing the door behind him. "I've come to help you."
"Daddy...told you about this?" she enquired quietly, still not willing to let him see her empty eyes for the moment. Even so, she didn't move her hand away, desperate for something familiar and trusting. "What do you mean help me?"
"Yes, but I think he missed a few details. He said since we were friends, and he wasn't sure who could be trusted in his own cabinet, that it was best to send someone from outside the royal court." There had been no hesitation when Kazuki agreed to it, and it wasn't just because Amelia's dad kind of scared him. "He said the healers came up with something, but even he didn't know what it was. They wrote down the details and sealed the package so no one could interfere with it. I brought it with me."
Nodding as she listened, realizing this was probably the safer option due to the circumstances, not to mention the fact that having someone she did care for be there was a comfort, even if she didn't wish him to see her in such a state. "So...what do we need to do?" she finally asked, thinking more on the final part that she hadn't gotten to read about in time, her anxiousness making her temporarily forget the bottle sitting a short distance away. She could bring it up when needed, this was important, her last survival instinct making her shake a little as she waited.
Sitting with her on the couch, he reached into the leather pouch on his belt and held up a vial. He reached for her hand, letting her touch the small glass item with a glowing purple liquid inside. "Here, hold this. Where's the other bottle? We need to mix the two together first." That's what the directions said, which he had also retrieved from the sealed pouch. He had yet to flip it over to read the final steps. "It says to mix the two, stir slowly, and drink a full glass of water immediately after drinking the potion mixture."
On feeling a dull pressure from the touch, and slight weight in her hands, she curled her fingers around the object, almost fearful her numb hands would make her drop the vial. She nodded as she listened to him, hoping she was looking in the right direction, even if her large empty eyes were lingering on him. "I see. Will you do it? I'm afraid I'm not much use at the moment." she said quietly, voice trailing off as her head hung low. It was horrible feeling so useless, and no doubt causing worry for the people who cared for her.
Reaching over he took custody of the other bottle and uncorked it. It smelled like grapes, probably because wine had been used as a base. "Here, I'll help you pour it into the bottle," he said, popping the cork off the vial as well and guiding her hand over until the two glass containers touched. As they poured the two potions together, the smell changed to that of roses, filling the air around them with the scent. "Amelia, what else has happened to you since you left Seyruun?"
She nodded obediently as he guided her hands, inhaling the scent that came when the two potions mixed. Again, it might have been due to her sense of smell compensating for her loss of touch and sight, but it seemed so much stronger than she expected, almost comforting in a way. It was certainly nicer than the dampness that she had been surrounded by in the murky woods ever since she arrived at the cottage.
"Nothing really. I've simply stayed out of the way, attempting to find some way of curing myself, even when I stopped being able to feel things. Unfortunately, I had to stop that when my eyesight failed as well." she murmured sadly.
Kazuki set the bottle down in front of Amelia, guiding her hand down so she knew where it was. "I'm going to get you some water and I'll be right back," he said, standing up to go do that. "I know this will work! Then you can see, and touch and everything else again!"
As she held the bottle tightly, she listened to his words, knowing her could easily find water in the basin nearby, which she had drawn from the stream outside a few days before. Still, there was something knawing at the back of her mind, something more to all this...
"But Kazuki, I think there's something else I have to do after drinking it. I know there was a part of the cure I didn't get to read. Shouldn't we check that before I take this?" she asked, tone giving away her concern and worry. She just didn't want to mess this up, not when she was so close to getting rid of the poison in her system.
"Something else? Let me check the instructions," he said, taking out the small instruction card again. All it said was mix, drink, and... there were words on the back, too. Huh, he hadn't noticed that before! Kazuki flipped the card over and began to read. "Following the ingestion of the combined potions, specific aerobic activity must be undertaken to activate the final chemical reaction. Due to the nature of the reaction, only..." He trailed off, blushing deeply as he read the rest to himself. "Um... at least we have one hour to complete it."
"An hour, why would we need an hour? Kazuki, is...the rest of it something bad?" she asked, unable to mask the fear in her voice. After all, she couldn't see him blushing, so she had no idea of what would cause such a reaction. Considering the situation, she had jumped to the worst conclusion.
"No! It's not bad!" He reached out and held onto her hand, pulling himself a little closer to her. Kazuki settled his other hand at her cheek, cupping the warm skin gently. "It says we have to engage in sexual relations, to produce the appropriate amount of 'endorphins' to evoke a chemical reaction. Then the potion will activate. I'm sorry if I worried you, I didn't expect to read that."
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