I've been trying to contact the maintainers of
boxofmagic through email and PM's to find out if it's running this year but have had no reply from any of them.
I'm still hopeful that one of them will reply and that
boxofmagic itself will run this year, but if not, would anyone here be interested if I set up another Merlin fic big bang challenge community?
Just generally really asking what support there would be for such a community and what interest there would be in participating. So am going to include a poll below and also leave this post open so that those of you who are interested in this idea - in whatever capacity - could perhaps ask their own flists to consider this and then point them in the direction of the poll. So feel free to please ask your own flisters if they're interested and ask them to vote too so we can get a better idea if this is wanted or not; thank you =)
What I absolutely do not want to do is tread on anyone's toes here, and obviously what would make me happiest is if
boxofmagic itself ran again this year. However if that can't happen for whatever reason, I'd like to try and enable some kind of Merlin big bang challenge to take place if I can.
Poll EDIT:
http://the-muppet.livejournal.com/427106.html Thanks for your time in reading this ♥