Title: Where the World Begins
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Genre: Slash, domestic, apocalyptic, romance
Spoilers/Warnings: AU after 5.08. Sex, very mild battle violence
Word Count: ~49,300
Summary: In the aftermath of a battle against demons, Castiel rescues an orphan girl, who then forms an attachment to the fallen angel. Dean and Castiel take her into their care, traveling highways and back roads, killing as many demons as they can, while Sam searches for an alternate way to defeat Lucifer. Amidst trying to end the Apocalypse, Dean finds his life a strange combination of broken, crumbling cities and a half-domestic life on the road. In the quiet moments they make for themselves among the chaos, Dean and Castiel become closer not only to each other but to their ward, and Dean finds his life taking a turn in a direction he never thought it’d have a chance to take.
chosenfire28 did some fabulous art for this fic, both a banner and poster.
View her art here and let her know what an awesome job she did!
Art Addition:
awesomepants87 recently created the awesome chapter banners that have been added to the posts.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 Author’s notes: This fic started with
awesomepants87 asking for “Something domestic… and Dean and Cas have a kid.” I had every intention of writing a short, simple fic, but my brain was apparently on overdrive that night, because what developed was a strange meshing of the domestic and apocalyptic, and the simple prompt developed into this big bang. Months later, you guys have the result of that little request. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed working on it :o)
Thanks: First and foremost, I owe a ginormous thank you to
awesomepants87 . She beta’d this monster, and without her this would not have come together. She kept me on track and provided new perspectives and insights when my brain refused to think anymore. I seriously can’t thank her enough. An additional thanks goes to her for making chapter banners for this fic.
And, of course, a huge thank you goes to
chosenfire28 for doing the art. The
poster and banner she made are simply fabulous, and I couldn’t have asked for more.
A big thank you also goes to my flist. You guys are awesome! Your encouragement and cheerleading kept me plugging away, and your excitement kept mine up when I thought it had run out. So thanks, guys!
Notes on the Enochian: I found three sites extremely helpful while translating the Enochian in this piece.
This site was fabulous for everything Enochian, and the other two can be found
here and