Heroes Ep: Close to You

Jan 12, 2010 21:37

You know, I just don't realize how much I'm not missing Mohinder, Matt, or Hiro until I have to watch an episode with all 3 of them in it.

Roxann Dawson joined the long list of Trek people involved with Heroes. She directed the episode.

Lydia wants Peter to be the new leader of the Hammerspace Carnival? I agree he's got the compassion, but Peter isn't a leader. When he's not running off to sacrifice his life in wildly bizarre ways, he's latching onto the first strong personality he finds and following that person around like a devoted puppy. In fact, I'm surprised and pleased that Peter wasn't the first person to drink the carnival Kool-Aid (or eat the popcorn--whatever).

Vanessa Wheeler grew up on the same estate Samuel did (as employer, not employee), yet she doesn't have an inexplicable Irish accent. WHERE DID THIS ACCENT COME FROM?!

Is it just me, or did the Samuel vs. HRG battle in L.A. wind up looking like all of Edward Elric's battles on Fullmetal Alchemist?

Angela: "There's nothing you can do to save her. You have to save yourself." BWAHAHAHA! Angela, have you met your son? You know, the guy who threw himself off a high school before he knew he could heal from it? Peter has all the survival instincts of a depressed lemming.

I loved that Angela was a little sad that Peter took her ability. Peter is the last person who needs to be seeing apocalyptic visions of the future in what little sleep he gets. Is it wrong of me to think he looked unbelievably hot while smashing Emma's cello?

Continuity Fail Round-Up:

Emma pulled Peter to her apartment via cello. Cue commercial break. When the show starts up again, Peter and Emma are in Peter's apartment with no mention of a scene change. And Peter apparently suddenly owns stuff.

Who was watching BabyMatt while DaddyMatt was chauffeuring HRG around L.A.? Janice didn't know if DaddyMatt had left the house all day, so clearly she hadn't been home.

Why did Ando have to explain Hiro's condition to Mohinder when Mohinder was the one who diagnosed Hiro with it in the first place?

heroes_meta, heroes

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