1sentance challenge...COMPLETERU~!

May 14, 2006 11:41

1sentence challenge ::
Ron Weasly x Luna Lovegood
[written for Miranda :D ]
Theme set beta

#01 - Walking
Ron found himself walking down the wrong hall after potions over and over again to see her; and unlike he told Harry and Hermione, he didn’t have an awkward bladder condition.

#02 - Waltz
Ron was never good at dancing - and though Harry said it was the cheesiest thing on earth; he was willing to learn to waltz with a girl who thought that dancing was for the ancient Hungarian Tulip Farmers.

#03 - Wishes
“I wished for someone who knew how to talk to trees,” Luna said thoughtfully “But I guess you’re just as good”

#04 - Wonder
“I’ve always wondered why you followed me; I thought you wanted to keep my eyes in a jar…I guess this is a lot better.”

#05 - Worry
Ron found himself constantly worrying about wandering eyes that always settled on Luna; though the last time a guy tried to hit on her, she promptly told him she knew where he slept and she knew exactly how to make his spine shatter.

#06 - Whimsy
“Now don’t think that you can do whatever you wish with me Ronald, you may be my new companion of sorts, but I won’t fail to beat you up.”

#07 - Waste/Wasteland
Ron found that the world wasn’t such a bad place when he was holding hands with a girl who believed Ron was the greatest thing since sliced butter…which she still insisted existed.

#08 - Whiskey and rum
As weird as Ron was without being drunk, Luna found something obnoxiously cute about the way he kept ‘accidentally’ falling over on her.

#09 - War
No matter how bad things got, no matter how hectic things got and how horrible things looked like they were going to get, Ron always felt better when Luna assured him that so long as she was around; she wouldn’t let anything hurt him…and it made him smile when she threatened to ‘beat up’ the dark lord.

#10 - Weddings
Ron seemed to think the wedding would have gone a lot better if everyone had realized beforehand that their cake was turnip chocolate sour cream flavored.

#11 - Birthday
“Thanks Luna…I’ve always wanted a Purple Peruvian singing frog…that dances…Its perfect.”

#12 - Blessing
Molly Weasley always thought of Luna as a blessing; a girl in the family that wasn’t French and stuck up…not to mention could carry on rambling conversations about nothing for hours on end.

#13 - Bias
Luna never much liked people with biased opinions…but then again, she didn’t like it when certain red-headed boys followed her around like a sick puppy…she just didn’t bother hitting the people with biased opinions.

#14 - Burning
Luna was the only person Ron knew who found watching little fire was interesting…it wasn’t until they sat together staring into the eerie light did he understand its beauty.

#15 - Breathing
“Some of the poetry you write for her is so lame Ron…I mean seriously, ‘every breath I take is for you’ is just going to make her think you’re trying to steal her lungs.”

#16 - Breaking
“You’re kind of odd Ronald; in the sense that sometimes I want to break you open to see just what you really look like on the inside.”

#17 - Belief
For the first time in his life; when someone asked Ron if he believed in the current underground troll revolt; he found himself saying yes.

#18 - Balloon
“You remind me of a balloon Ron, in the sense that sometimes you just can’ t keep that colorful head on your shoulders.”

#19 - Balcony
First kisses were always awkward and usually not very romantic; but Ron found if you threw in a balcony and a girl who wore tulip earrings, anything was possible.

#20 - Bane
“You’re the bane of my existence Ronald…except for other vital living things like my blood and my spinal cord; but I’m pretty sure you’re up there on the list of things I couldn’t live without.”

#21 - Quiet
“Luna don’t lie to me…when you’re quiet; you’re thinking…and that’s never a good thing.”

#22 - Quirks
It was the little quirks about Luna that Ron loved so much…except when she suspected random people of being illegal banana smugglers from the east.

#23 - Question
Ron was never quite sure how to ask Luna to marry him…but he was going to have to do it soon; she was starting to suspect that he was keeping faeries in that little velvet box he carried around.

#24 - Quarrel
Ron liked the fact that Luna avoided arguments if at all possible…the only fight he remembered her being in was just how much of a prat Percy was with Fred and George.

#25 - Quitting
“You can’t just give up on stalking me Ronald…it would be insulting, and I never got a chance to tell you that I like you too.”

#26 - Jump
Ron was very weary of this dating thing, especially after Luna told him she’d only go out with him if he jumped out the third story window…apparently she only dated boys who could fly.

#27 - Jester
“An auror, Ronald? I think you’d make a better village idiot…a cute one at that.”

#28 - Jousting
Ron was as accepting as the next guy, he just didn’t seem to think that horseback jousting made for much of a date.

#29 - Jewel
Ron thought jewels were lovely gifts…but Luna liked it when he brought back other things from his trips; which one occasion turned out to be a piece of dragon…waste.

#30 - Just
“Just try to understand…I like you; I wasn’t following you…I don’t have any reason to try and singe your eyebrows off.”

#31 - Smirk
Ron never understood why Luna always had a weird smirk on her face as they passed a set of armor on the second floor…until he finally got that sometimes; armor was just funny.

#32 - Sorrow
“Sorry I erm…bumped into you…again…uh…I mean, for the fourth time this week; its not like I’m trying to but…no Luna, I’m not stalking you...sorry again.”

#35 - Sarcasm
“No need to be sarcastic Ronald…if you don’t want to feed my Brazillian red-headed-boy-eating plant, I completely understand…I rather thought you’d like him though.”

#34 - Serenade
As stereotypical and annoying as it was, Ron found that sitting outside Luna’s window and attempted singing some muggle song about love only landed him with a shoe in the face.

#33 - Stupidity
Ron stood stupefied for a moment at the fact a shoe had just been chucked at his head…until he realized there was note tied to it - “that was adorable Ronald”

#36 - Sordid
Sometimes things sucked to such an endless degree that Ron considered never getting up in the morning…that was until Luna felt the need to dump a bucket of cold water over his head every time he was something more than two minutes late out of the sack.

#37 - Soliloquy
Ron always hated soliloquies in plays…people talking to themselves in a crowd of people…it wasn’t until he was caught talking to himself outside of Luna’s classroom that he understood how complexly idiotic the human brain could be.

#38 - Sojourn
“Oh she can stay as long as she wants,” Molly Weasly said cheerfully; and noted - “its nice to have someone around here that you fancy besides that box of cream puffs.”

#39 - Share
Luna didn’t much get romantic interludes…especially when Ron told her that he wanted to share the rest of his life with her; she took it as an indication he wanted to give her a kidney.

#40 - Solitary
Luna was one of those wonderful people that Ron wanted to be around even when he wanted to be alone…not like he had a choice; the stalker had become the stalked.

#41 - Nowhere
There was nowhere to hide anymore…it was like Luna had a map of Ron’s classes and wandering spots in her head…only it was a list Harry gave to her for personal amusement.

#42 - Neutral
Hermione always tried to stay neutral when Ron and Luna got in weird little arguments, but she had to side when Ron when Luna put flobberworms in his bed as a ‘romantic gesture’.

#43 - Nuance
She always paid such close attention to details; the little flecks of dirt on a window or the exact brown of a cats silky coat…or the weird way Ron’s eyes crossed dramatically when he got too close.

#44 - Near
It was odd, but whenever Ron was around Luna it felt like he had butterflies in his stomach (which Luna suggested, he should get checked out because it sounded dangerous).

#45 - Natural
“Ron honestly, that’s not an ‘all natural love potion’, that’s a muggle date rape drug…and I’m sure if you just ask her to dance, she will- without spiking the punch”

#46 - Horizon
They watched the sun set under the horizon like a lot of stereotypical couples, though Ron found it more romantic when Luna would put her head on his shoulder and whisper, “I hope neither of us burns to death.”

#47 - Valiant
“Honestly Ronald you can be so boring, of course I could be a knight in shining armor!”

#48 - Virtuous
“I’d never return money to an old lady…she could acutely be the dark lord; and besides? Wouldn’t you want to go to Cancun for the summer?”
#49 - Victory
Nothing made Ron happier after a quidditch match than the fact that Luna always managed to sneak into the Gryfendor commons to hug him and congratulate him…even if they didn’t win.

#50 - Defeat
Losing wasn’t exactly an abnormal thing for Ron…he was Ron after all, though it always cheered him up when Luna told him that “You’re my favorite idiot loser in the world anyway”

::cross' that off the big damn claims list::
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