Title: The Misadventures of Two Women and a Phallic-shaped Ruler
Word Count: 1297
Rating: M
Characters/Pairing: Caroline/Claudia
Warnings: Foul language, masturbation and oral!sex.
Spoilers: None.
Authors Notes: Unbetaed, so all mistakes are my own. Prompt of 'Caroline/Claudia-stationary cupboard in a school' by
fluffballfan “Bollocks,” Claudia said, matter-of-factly.
“You know, this is awfully cramped. You’d think for a stationary cupboard on a university campus there would be a little more space than this,” Caroline complained, “At my old university; we never even had a stationary cupboard.”
“Remind me what you took at university, Steel?”
“Fashion, I think. I wasn’t sober for the majority of it,” She answered, giving the door of the cupboard a shove for good measure.
“How you got stuck as my bloody assistant I’ll never know,” Claudia mumbled.
“Knew too much, remember? Official Secrets Act and all that crap.”
Claudia didn’t deign to respond, and instead tried to feel for a seat with sense of touch alone. There was a loud clang and a cry of pain from Caroline’s direction.
“Was that a mop you just tried to brain me with?” She wanted to know, “Are we all on our monthlies today? Abby ‘accidently’ locked me in a sodding stationary cupboard with you of all people, and you hit me over the head with a mop!”
She sat down indignantly, forgetting that there wasn’t a seat beneath her, and landed on her arse with a surprised grunt, “Ow.”
“Whoops,” Claudia muttered under her breath.
“I heard that.”
There was a short silence where Caroline attempted to regain her dignity and Claudia wondered whether or not she was bored enough to talk to her so-called ‘assistant’.
“So,” The Civil Servant eventually broke the silence, deciding she was bored enough after all, “What are we going to do for the next…ten,
twenty, thirty or god forbid, sixty minutes.”
“I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…”
“You cannot be serious-“
“Hmm, let me see…it wouldn’t be ‘darkness’ by any chance, would it?”
“Bang on. Your go.”
“Ha-I’ll pass, thanks,” Claudia laughed.
“Suit yourself,” Caroline shrugged, forgetting Claudia couldn’t see her in the darkness.
“Wait!” Claudia exclaimed, rummaging in her handbag.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Caro reassured her.
“Aha!” Claudia exclaimed, holding up a pocket torch in the pitch black.
“What? What is it?” Her companion asked, squinting in order to see what the other woman had produced from the handbag of miracles. A lock pick perhaps? A phone that had signal?
Claudia switched on the torch, swinging it round until she found Caroline.
“Shit!” The girl exclaimed, lifting her hands to stop the light from blinding her, “Point that thing somewhere else!”
“Hmm,” Claudia pointed the torch at the sparse shelves, “There isn’t much stationary in this stationary cupboard. Nothing we could pick the lock with anyway, not as much as a bloody paper clip.”
Caroline looked at where the light beam fell; one blunt pencil, one cartridge pen with no cartridges, a couple of metre rules and one fifteen centre metre ruler with the edges rounded off.
“Sod all,” Claudia sighed disappointedly, sitting back down on an upturned bucket; the only flat surface in the tiny 3ft x 1ft cupboard.
Caroline felt like contesting this, but as Claudia was smaller, older and her superior, she decided against it.
“So, we have nothing to write on, or with for that matter, nothing big enough to be measured with a metre rule, which leaves the small ruler,” Caro summed up.
“Don’t be silly, Caroline. What can you possibly do in the dark with such a small ruler?” Claudia scoffed. Then what she’d said sunk in and a sudden understanding came to light, “Oh.”
“Myself,” Caro answered, snaffling the ruler of the shelf, “And, if we’re stuck in here for long enough, and you ask me nicely, you.”
Claudia grimaced at the thought, despite the physical evidence that Caroline fucking her with a ruler was a turn-on, “What makes you think I’d ever be horny enough to ask you to do that?”
“An inflated ego,” The other woman answered, emitting a soft sigh as she slid down onto the ruler.
“So now I’m stuck in a stationary cupboard with a maverick mop and a masturbating assistant,” Claudia muttered, “Great.”
“Mmm,” Caro moaned from the other side of the cupboard, “Ah, that’s good.”
“Oh, shit. Now I’m getting a running commentary,” Claudia said, moving hesitantly nearer to Caroline and searching the area for the mop she’d knocked over.
“You must be hornier than I thought, unless that’s a spider caressing my knee,” Caroline said breathily.
“Piss off, Steel. I’m looking for the mop,” Claudia answered.
This momentarily stumped Caroline, “Why the bloody hell are you looking for the mop?”
“So I can knock you out,” Was the answer, coming from somewhere on the floor, sufficiently near and on the level with Caro’s pussy to
make her breath hitch.
“Aha!” A triumphant voice called out, now somewhere to the left, “Found it. Oh wait, it’s broken. Shit.”
There was a pause, then, “Are you still at it?”
“I’m not a man, my friend. I cannot get off in less than a minute,” Caroline reminded her companion.
Claudia sighed, “What happens if someone unlocks the cupboard door right now?”
“Then I will get caught humping a ruler,” Caroline replied, in a slightly higher pitch than usual, “That’s life.”
“You are an irresponsible and irrational pain in the neck, Caroline Steel,” Claudia said sternly, “Now hand me that bloody ruler.”
“Say please,” the other woman requested.
“Say pretty please.”
“Pretty please.”
“Say pretty please with a cherr-FUCK!”
There was silence for a long moment.
“Caroline?” Claudia ventured, “Caroline! Caro?”
“The ruler snapped!” Caro’s whine came out of the darkness.
“Damn,” Claudia said, thinking wistfully of the little itch she had to scratch.
“Damn indeed! I was so close.” The girl’s reply was almost…tearful. Claudia winced. She was sure Caro would have a very nasty case of
female blue balls.
Ah well, Claudia sat back down on the upturned bucket, wondering how she was supposed to pass the boredom away now.
“Claudia?” Caroline asked from the other side of the cupboard.
“I really need some love,” Caro told her, sniffling for good effect.
Claudia toyed with the idea. On the one hand, Caroline was attractive, and it would be quite cruel to leave her with such an ache and no real way to satisfy it, on the other, they were colleagues, and Caro was a bit of a bitch.
“Fine,” Claudia sighed, moving over to Caroline’s side of the cupboard, the smell of arousal getting stronger as she did so. It took a bit of fumbling to actually find her, but once she had there was an element of relief about sliding two fingers into the slick warmth.
The little sounds of pleasure from above her were oddly familiar and Claudia relaxed into the rhythm she’d set. Before she knew it, Caro was hiccupping and juices were running over the palm of her hand.
Claudia withdrew back to her upturned bucket with regret. It felt strange to give Caro just half a minute of attention, to have nothing else to do. The silence was no longer full of boredom and resentment but of awkwardness and unfinished business.
“Bollocks,” Claudia muttered for the second time that day, sidling across the pitch-black cupboard and leaning forward until she could taste Caroline. There was a loud gasp from above as Claudia slid hands across Caro’s knees to steady herself.
Her tongue lapped eagerly, but Claudia had to be careful not to touch the girl’s clit, knowing it’d be too sensitive after Caro’s first climax. But even avoiding that small bud of nerves, it didn’t seem very long before Caro was coming again.
“Claudia,” She gasped clutching at the other woman’s hair.
Claudia slipped up Caroline’s body to lie alongside her, suddenly feeling sleepy.
“Mm,” Caro moaned quietly, “Was good.”
“Mm,” Claudia agreed, before comfortably drifting off to sleep on the cold, hard floor.