Title: Never Again
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Pairings: None (Yes, I committed gen!fic *falls over in shock*)
Warnings: Spoilers for 'Sleeper'
Disclaimer: I make no attempt to pretend that I own Torchwood, or any of the associated characters.
Summary: How does Jack understand the alien language Beth speaks? And why does he react so badly to her presence? A drabble-and-a-half set immediately after 'Sleeper'
Notes: An insane little idea that hijacked my brain and refused to leave until I gave in and wrote it. Not particularly long or coherent.
It was quiet as the grave in the Hub, devoid of life with its long-suffering employees at home and asleep. Only the slow drip of water from high above broke the silence.
The blade from Beth's arm turned over and over in Jack's hands, opening tiny cuts along his palms and fingers. He stared at it. Even after the murders, the narrow escape from nuclear holocaust, the others still didn't understand what her people were capable of. But he knew better. Maybe seeing John again had stirred old memories, but whatever the reason, from the moment he'd seen those narrow stab-wounds old childhood terrors had risen from the back of his mind.
He knew like no other living soul the horrors of an invasion by those things. He'd already lost one home planet to them. He wasn't going to let it happen again.
Not this time.