Title: Five people who never joined the resistance
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: John Winchester/Sarah Connor, John Connor/Dean Winchester
Warnings: Language, slash, character death
Disclaimer: I own nothing worth suing me for
Summary: Five people who never joined the Resistance
Notes: This is a multi-fandom crossover in the Terminator: Salvation 'verse. The other fandom in this part is Supernatural.
I |
II |
III | IV | V
It was the early days of the war, not a year since Judgement Day, and the resistance was small and scattered, but determined.
They had spent three months planning to orchestrate a mass breakout at the prison camp in Nevada. It was going to involve excruciatingly careful planning, a lot of manpower, and even more firepower. Even then it was a risky proposition.
Needless to say, they were mildly taken aback when the breakout happened without them.
One of the hazier parts of their plan had been how they were going to shepherd a group of unarmed and demoralized prisoners to safety in less time than it took for Skynet to send reinforcements. And yet somehow that same group of unarmed and demoralized prisoners had completely blindsided Skynet and gotten free all by themselves.
Their scouts picked the group up heading west and took them the rest of the way. John had met them in the hangar, and been more than slightly surprised to hear that the mastermind of the escape plan wanted to see him - had asked for him by name. He was even more surprised when he met the man.
"Dean?" he said incredulously. "Dean Winchester?"
Dean grinned a little self-consciously. "I'm surprised you remember me."
That had to be a joke. How could he forget?
Sarah Connor had hooked up with a succession of men she thought could help train her son - military types and survival nuts mostly. He'd never been quite sure which category John Winchester fell into, but the man was a crack shot and knew interesting things about cars and credit fraud. And then of course there was the matter of his sons. Sam and Dean Winchester were the only other kids he'd ever met who'd had a childhood like his, right down to the target practice and sleeping in the back seat of a car. John'd had what he was now man enough to admit was a massive crush on Dean Winchester, that had manifested in his twelve-year old self as hero worship. Which was a rather embarrassing set of memories to recall now they were both older, wiser, and in the middle of a war.
Some of the escapees drifted away or died - most stayed on. Dean was one of the ones who stayed, which John was grateful for. On one level it was nice to have someone he knew from before around, but mainly Dean was even better trained than he was, and a damn good mechanic, which was useful.
They had a few drinks together once, in the early days, before the last of the booze ran out. Inevitably conversation turned to their families.
"Your mom was a hell of a lady," Dean said, admiration in his voice. "She out there somewhere, kicking robot ass?"
John shook his head and swallowed around a lump in his throat. "She died a few years ago. Cancer."
"Shit, I'm sorry man."
"S'okay. Funny, really. Can't say I ever saw her dying of natural causes."
"Yeah." Dean snorted a laugh. "Weird, huh?"
"What about you? Your brother?"
Dean looked away. "He was at Stanford."
That didn't need any further explanation: San Fransisco was the heart of Skynet's operations. Everything south of Lake Tahoe and north of Fresno had been wiped off the face of the planet.
He was grateful Dean stayed on. It was nice to have someone around from before, someone who knew exactly what he'd lost and vice versa. Someone with whom he could let his guard down and appreciate what they hadn't lost yet.