After the
concrit comm fun--which is a sentiment I totally understand wrt to BEDNINJAING and how it might be interpreted--I thought I would MINI-ESSAY. I can't speak for anyone else but since the phrase originated with me and Tomo's been the direct catalyst for a lot of it in camp (by flat-out telling people like Shin, Sora, and Yukari to bedninja, usually for a laugh), and since she does it every night now, and since it's recently come up ICly too, I thought I'd ramble a little!
Originally the "Tomo sleeping with other people" thing was just something I randomly decided to do because it was funny and I have icons for it. SEE ICON. Yeah, in canon it's pretty clear that Tomo has no problem touching other people in bed and will automatically do so in her sleep. (The anime scene that matches this manga panel is actually even more suggestively posed.) Other things she does to people in bed include deliberately rolling on them and hitting them with pillows. So you know, it cracks me up, and I wanted to play with it some. |D
It's not canon that Tomo PREFERS sleeping with other people, but I don't think it's a stretch either, because 1. she likes getting a rise out of people and sneaking into bed with them would accomplish that, 2. she's big on physical contact, and 3. she does stuff like this in her sleep and doesn't seem all that embarrassed about it. And she's all about having company, even if they're not interacting at all. So yeah, in camp, Tomo would much rather be sleeping in a bed with someone else than by herself. She doesn't have nightmares, she doesn't have any problems falling asleep if she's alone, it's just something she likes, and Tomo will always do what she likes when she can get away with it. In camp, this is much easier to get away with than it was at home.
But if the question is whether or not the bedninja tendencies have any sexual motive behind them--no, they don't. IN FACT, the opposite is true. Tomo will not sleep with anyone that she's aware might initiate something sexual.
Okay, if Ed or Sano ever suddenly became interested in her, she wouldn't stop sleeping in their bed. OH JUST THE OPPOSITE. 8D But as I mentioned in that thread, Tomo doesn't sleep with either of them because she wants to bang them. She does want to bang them, but sleeping with them predates that (in Ed's case, by a good four months or so). Rather, the sleeping-with and the wanting-to-do are both effects of the same cause, which is that they're people she loves.
Because they happen to be the two people she sleeps with the MOST, it's easy to get the impression that she does it because she's angling for something there. Sano ICly wonders about this too. But sleeping with and wanting to SLEEP with are separate in Tomo's mind. In fact, if somehow she ever DID get together with one of them, she would never consider the possibility of having to give up sleeping in the other's bed. If Sano were her boyfriend she would fully expect to still go sleep with Ed once in awhile, and wouldn't see that as strange or inappropriate. Because it doesn't mean anything sexual to her.
For example, Tomo's also slept with Himeko, Ueki, Al (with Ed), Norma, and Robert, and she's invited Sora to sleep with her too. None of these are people that she considers sexually at all (a couple of them have vague potential, but the others are A NEVER EVER TOUCH). But except for Al--and that was a special circumstance--they ARE all people she loves. She doesn't mind sleeping with them because bedninjaing, to her, is about comfort and closeness and friendship (and in Robert's case, being annoying and testing boundaries).
A couple of other people have made it really clear that they wouldn't mind Tomo sneaking into their beds for an entirely different reason. She has cabin numbers for both Ling and Speed now. . . . Which she will never make use of, despite what she sometimes says. Even if flirting with Speed DOES happen to lead to actual messing around of some kind, even if it happens regularly, she won't sleep in his bed unless he becomes a certain kind of close friend, because that's not why she bedninjas people.
At the end of the day, Tomo would rather fall asleep platonically in Sano's bed than sexually with someone else she's attracted to. Of course falling asleep sexually in Sano's bed would be IDEAL BUT WE CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING CAN WE. :( But anyway, yes. That is why Tomo bedninjas. Because she likes sleeping near people, and she likes spending time with people that she really trusts and cares for. She would be very uncomfortable ninjaing anyone for explictly sexual purposes. The fact that the two people she sleeps with most often are the two people she'd most like to get in the pants of is--while not strictly coincidence, they're not cause and effect, either. It's just that Tomo is most attracted to people she was platonically close to first, and platonic closeness often also leads to bedninjaing. |D