Oct 08, 2005 17:08
I wanna see a movie.....
Oct 06, 2005 22:13
Any hear that the after game party was cancelled ?
I did... is it true?
Why are people in Alabama so dumb?
Is all the world like this ?
Man if I could sell common sense.... I would be so frickin rich.
Oct 05, 2005 19:40
liturgical ! It's what's for dinner !_.!_.!_.1_.!
Oct 03, 2005 18:15
Workouts today were frickin crazy.
45lb bar - 65 bench press, 18 shoulder press, 25 one handed lift thingys, then 24 dips, 25 inclined push-up, 45 crunches, 45 other ab things, 2mins of holding my body above ground using only my elbows and toes.
My arms are dead, gonna go take a nice long sit.
Oct 01, 2005 18:01
Bored pissed and frustrated all at the same time.
This week really sucked.
Sep 29, 2005 16:12
Shopping, shopping, shopping.
See, I'm so secure in my manlyness that I enjoy shopping! rofl
Is there anything going down this weekend? I wanna do something(besides see a movie)
-The0wn4g3 out
Sep 28, 2005 22:13
So tired of school already......