Yeah the store is indeed Real Groovy, I so love it. I spent 3 hours in it yesterday just listening to tunes, reading, browsing :-D I asked about any jobs going but none at the moment but they said they will be in touch if something comes up, lets hope so!!
What is this weather all about (not sure you are getting the same down there) but I was almost blown off my feet last night and does it ever stop raining hehe x
Typical I must have taken the Scottish weather with me hehe. It is almost sunny today so away out to enjoy some sunshine before the rain starts and when it does I will hit Real Groovy for a couple of hours :-)
Hey you good to hear from you, have missed you!! Yep all going well although still pretty weird knowing I will be here for the next year (at least). Still feels a wee bit like a holiday at the moment but I guess that is a good thing!! Speaking of holidays I hope you had an ace time in the US. I will try go back at some point and read your posts about it.
You will be at your new job also now (civil service deserter that you are hehe). Hope that it is going well.
See I just celebrated birthday in the Netherlands with 28 degrees and loveliness. But then again, you'll be laughing when it's six months from now. Good to hear you're enjoying it! x
Comments 10
Was the record store Real Groovy? The one in Auckland is top. SO much better than the one down here.
Yeah the store is indeed Real Groovy, I so love it. I spent 3 hours in it yesterday just listening to tunes, reading, browsing :-D I asked about any jobs going but none at the moment but they said they will be in touch if something comes up, lets hope so!!
What is this weather all about (not sure you are getting the same down there) but I was almost blown off my feet last night and does it ever stop raining hehe
You will be at your new job also now (civil service deserter that you are hehe). Hope that it is going well.
Say hi to the Netherlands for me :-)
Good to read you're doing fine! Also, the weather's just crrrrrazy.
Keep us updated if you can, it'll be nice to read what's going on over there =)
Yep in a couple of months from now I will be gloating about the lovely sunshine when you guys are suffering from lashing rain and freezing temps hehe.
Hope all well with you
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